Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 171

# : Tunhuo Technology enters the medical industry, and the disease is retreating...

# :petition……

# : A book written with the blood of thousands of people.

# : Request Tunhuo Technology to enter the medical industry.

141. At the request of the general public, Tunnel Medical was officially established to solve human health problems.

Below the petition post is an electronic booklet of autographs.

Li Jinming, Shen Xuemei, Bao Haitao, Zhang Wenming, Zhang Hongwei...

Everyone's signatures are densely packed and presented in bright red fonts, making it look like a book written with the blood of tens of thousands of people.

It looks quite shocking.

I am afraid that even the author of the petition would not have thought that something he did casually would become a hot search topic and arouse strong resonance among mankind.


Looking at the content on the screen, Lu Xingye fell silent.

Thousands of people petition?

Tunhuo Technology enters the medical industry?

Solve human health problems?

This was something Lu Xingye never expected.

How outrageous!

I just made a simple movie, how could you think that I want to enter the medical industry?

And tens of thousands of people petitioned.

This is so outrageous.

Lu Xingye couldn't help but be speechless for a while.


The response the movie received also gave him a huge revelation.

It’s time for Tunhuo Technology to enter the medical industry.

Since its establishment, Tunnel Fire Technology has been expanding and expanding... and has never done anything for people's livelihood.

It’s also time to do something for people’s livelihood.

Only by gaining the support of the people can Lu Xingye implement his future plans.


The easiest thing to do to win the favor of the public is to do medical treatment and solve human health problems.

Now that Suihuo Technology is on the cusp of the storm, it would be better to take the opportunity to establish a subsidiary - Suihuo Medical.

As for why Lu Xingye was established as a subsidiary?

That's to avoid antitrust law investigations.

Now Suihuo Technology has frequently received lawsuit notices from other companies.

The content in the notice is all about suing Suihuo Technology for its monopoly.

This is why a big tree attracts the wind.


Because Lu Xingye had a close relationship with the military, he dismissed these antitrust complaints. Although Suihuo Technology is okay for the time being, we must also pay attention to the issue of monopoly.

If all businesses are under the name of Suihuo Technology Company, more and more people will sue Suihuo Technology for its monopoly.

By opening a subsidiary, you can avoid this problem to a large extent.

Moreover, the subsidiary is also fully controlled by Lu Xingye, and there is no so-called equity leakage problem.

"Lao Jia."

"You contact Zhao Dawei and ask him to help set up a subsidiary - Tunnel Medical."

"And publish an announcement online."

"Boss, do you want to make the longevity medicine public? To benefit the public?" Jarvis was shocked when he heard this.

In his logical thinking, he could not imagine why Lu Xingye made this decision.

"What are you thinking about? What a pig's brain."

"I said we would enter the medical industry, but I didn't say we would disclose the elixir of life."

Disclosure of elixirs?

Lu Xingye was not that stupid.

Only a small number of people can enjoy immortality. If the elixir of immortality is made public, the world will have big problems.

He may even become the target of public criticism.

Lu Xingye couldn't imagine what crazy things those chaebols and kings would do if they knew they had the elixir of longevity.


When Jarvis heard this, he scratched his head, as if he didn't understand.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye's voice came again.

"Although I will not disclose the elixir of life, I can release some other medicines."

"For example: targeted drugs to cure cancer."

"For example: diet pills for losing weight."

"For example: a special medicine for treating tuberculosis."

"For example: replacing disabled people with prosthetic limbs and allowing them to stand up again."

"For example...specific medicines for all incurable diseases in the world..."

"These are all huge blessings!"

"If all plans are successful, Tunnel Fire Technology's reputation around the world will increase to an unparalleled level."


Say this.

Jarvis finally understood that his boss was trying to build his reputation.

This is easy to understand.

If the real world is a game, reputation is...


This is the boss's pattern, and his plans are huge.

After Jarvis understood what Lu Xingye meant, he directly issued an announcement on the official website of Suihuo Technology:

# /A letter to all users.

# /Tunhuo Medical was officially established.

With the development of the times, more and more new diseases and infectious diseases have emerged, and human health problems cannot be ignored.

But there is no organization in the world that is truly based on human health issues. In other words, even if there is such an organization, it cannot truly solve human health problems.


Tunhuo Technology decided to stand up and do this.

From now on, Tunnel Medical will be established.

Tunhuo Medical focuses on the research of all incurable diseases such as human infectious diseases, genetic diseases, and AIDS.

I believe in the near future.

With the efforts of Suihuo Medical, these diseases will be eliminated...

This announcement is short.

But the sensation it caused was no less than that of those big-name celebrities.

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