Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 172

This is caused by the huge influence of Suihuo Technology.

With the release of robot companions and virtual worlds, Tunhuo Technology has become more and more like a super black technology company.

Getting closer to Umbrella Corporation, Stark Industries, Vault Corporation... in the movie.

"As we all know, the products produced by Tunhuo Technology are all high-quality. Now that Suihuo Technology has entered the medical industry, it will definitely be able to produce products that will impress mankind. This is simply good news for mankind."

"Support Tunnel Medical."

"My father has cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy at a key hospital in the Imperial Capital. He has lost half of his body weight. It is really heartbreaking."

"I hope Tunnel Medical can invent cancer-targeted drugs as soon as possible. This way, my father will no longer have to suffer from the disease."

"I have AIDS. I wonder if Suihuo Medical needs volunteers? I can sign up voluntarily and be a guinea pig."

"I can also volunteer..."




Although there were heated discussions online, none of this had anything to do with Lu Xingye.

After he announced the task of establishing Suihuo Medical, he stopped paying attention to it.

Now Lu Xingye was holding the CD of the movie "Longevity" in his hand.

He was going to watch the movie again in its entirety.

Then he reached into the movie and took out the so-called elixir of life.


Not only elixirs, but also formulas for other medicines.

Lu Xingye had been planning for so long, and what he was planning was definitely not something as simple as the elixir of longevity.

In the movie "Immortality", the main story is that the heroines Zhao Yinyun and Zhao Lingmei witnessed their parents dying of natural old age, and then came up with the idea of ​​developing longevity medicine.

With the help of the housekeeper, the two women inherited the Kangda Group and finally developed the elixir of longevity.

in the script.

The two women are the souls of Kangda Group. Not only did they develop elixirs of longevity, but they also developed other revolutionary drugs.

In other words:

As long as you get the two women, you will get the formula of the elixir of longevity and everything else.

142. In the virtual projection [immortality] world, Lu Xingye plays two female housekeepers

Two hours later.

Lu Xingye finally finished watching the movie and then started to check his system panel.

Name: Lu Xingye

Occupation: The person behind Suihuo Technology

Owned company: Suihuo Technology

Mission: Become the richest man in the world. Reward: Cross the dimensional barrier 10 times.

The first phase of the mission, The Richest Man in the Imperial City, has been completed.

The second phase of the task of becoming the richest man in the country has been completed.

The third phase of the task, The World's Richest Man, has not been completed.

Number of remaining dimensional barrier crossings: 3.

Special ability: virtual projection.

PS: Virtual projection means that the host can project the body into the movie world and interact with the movie characters at a deeper level. In order to control the plot, take out specially customized items from the movie world.

Virtual projection.

This time I can reach into the movie, and whether I can get good stuff depends on this virtual projection.

The movie was shot by myself and the plot was designed by myself.

He had complete control over the film.

If he could get something good, he might as well wipe his neck and kill himself.

Lu Xingye murmured.

Then move the mouse with your right hand and click on the [Immortality] movie.

[System, using virtual projection capabilities. 】

When Lu Xingye issued this order, he felt a little uneasy. After all, this is a movie he shot himself, and he doesn’t know if the system will recognize it.


The system's reaction quickly let him know that his worries were unnecessary.

beep beep......

【Do you want to use virtual projection capability? whether】


Lu Xingye nodded slightly, and then saw this line of prompts appearing in the system.

[The virtual projection ability has been used successfully and the virtual character is being created. 】

[The virtual character is created successfully. 】

[Your virtual character is: Kang Yuanxin]

【Kang Yuanxin】

[Kang Yuanxin is the company veteran of Kangda Group and the housekeeper of Zhao Yinyun’s parents. He has been loyal to Zhao Yinyun’s family throughout his life. 】

Virtual character Kang Yuanxin?

Ha ha!

Seeing this, Lu Xingye couldn't help but smile.

It seems that the ability of virtual projection is not to create a new character, but to project it on the original movie character.

There is no need to explain the origin of one's identity.

But it was an unexpected surprise to be cast in the role of Kang Yuanxin.

Kang Yuanxin is the most trusted person by the fathers of the two heroines.

Looking at it from another perspective, since he is the most trusted person by the heroine’s parents, isn’t it much easier to gain the trust of the two girls?


In addition to this relationship, Lu Xingye also has a huge advantage, that is, he knows the plot and is familiar with the temperaments of the two women.

This would allow him to thrive in the movie.

The time when Lu Xingye chose to time travel was after the two women had witnessed their parents die of natural old age.


The two girls were living in sorrow, and he transformed into Prince Charming to save the two princesses.


Ying Bao plays Zhao Yinyun, who has a sweet and lovable character.

Damimi plays Zhao Lingmei, a resolute and stubborn character.

In order to reduce the difficulty of the plot, Lu Xingye decided to gain Zhao Yinyun's trust first.

Lu Xingye controlled Kang Yuanxin and drove to the two women's homes.

Because Kang Yuanxin is the most trusted person by the two girls' parents.

So he has the keys to the two women's homes.


The key was inserted into the keyhole, turned slightly, and the security door opened.

Kang Yuanxin also saw the scene inside.

The first thing that catches the eye is Zhao Yinyun played by Ying Bao. Zhao Yinyun was wearing a white spiritual suit, her white legs kneeling on the ground, and in front of her were the photos of her parents.

Zhao Yinyun had already burst into tears.

Turning his eyes, Kang Yuanxin also saw the other heroine of this movie - Zhao Lingmei played by Damimi.

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