Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 173

It is different from Zhao Yinyun who wears white spiritual clothes.

Instead, Zhao Lingmei wore a black spiritual suit. She squatted in the corner, looking at the photos of her parents, but she did not shed a single tear.

The personalities of the elder sister and younger sister are in sharp contrast.

In the movie, Zhao Lingmei is the elder sister and Zhao Yinyun is the younger sister.

"Why are you here?"

"Are you seeing our joke?"

"Let me go."

"You are not welcome."

Zhao Yinyun turned her head and glanced at Kang Yuanxin.

Now that her parents have left, she finally sees people's hearts clearly. When her parents were still alive, she was the apple of Kangda Group's eye, and everyone pampered her.


After parents left.

They have all changed.

Zhao Hua, deputy general manager of Kangda Group, sought power and usurped the throne, and mobilized other company veterans to seek for his father's shares.

Now the Kangda Group is basically dominated by Zhao Hua.

As the daughter of the chairman, she has no power at all.

Zhao Yinyun now feels a little disgusted when she looks at the people in the company.

Is there any need to pretend to see me?

Don’t you just want to rob my family’s inheritance?

the other side.

Although Zhao Yinyun's sister, Zhao Lingmei, did not speak, it seemed that she meant the same thing.

Lu Xingye naturally knew what the two women were thinking.


It was impossible for him to leave according to the wishes of the two women. Instead, he was prepared to take advantage of the situation and gain their trust.

Kang Yuanxin waved his hands and raised them high to show that he had no ill intentions.

"The eldest lady, the second lady."

"Do not misunderstand."

"I don't mean any harm."

"I am your father's life manager and the person your father trusts most. It is impossible for me to do anything to harm the eldest and second young ladies."

"On the contrary, I'm here to help you."

After saying that.

Kang Yuanxin took out a letter of authorization from the father of the two girls from his pocket.

The power of attorney contains requests from the parents of the two girls for orphanage.

When the parents of the two girls were about to die, it foreshadowed what was happening now in the Kangda Group.

Therefore, they entrusted themselves to help take care of the two girls.

With this suicide note as an endorsement, the two women were a little less wary.

But it can still be clearly seen that they are still wary of Kang Yuanxin.

Seeing that the two women never drove him away, Kang Yuanxin couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

The first step is finally completed.


He then entered the kitchen and prepared to cook a rich dinner for the two women.

Because the plot of the movie has reached this point, the two heroines have not eaten for a whole day and night.

Now is the time to show off your cooking skills.

Lu Xingye rarely cooks, but because he knows the dishes the two girls like to eat, and he has precise control over the heat and seasonings.

Therefore, the dishes he made were quite delicious.

About an hour later.

A table of fragrant dishes was brought to the table, and its aroma was wafting everywhere. This delicious food made the two women unable to resist.

"Come over quickly and eat."

"Although your parents are no longer here, you still have to move on in life."

Hearing this, Zhao Yinyun and Zhao Lingmei hesitated for a moment and then walked over to the dining table. They had not eaten for a day and a night, and their stomachs had long rebelled.

"Are you really entrusted by my father to take care of us?" Zhao Yinyun picked up the chopsticks, took a bite of rice, and asked suddenly.

143. Gain the trust of two women and want to help them inherit the Kangda Group

"Didn't I show you your father's suicide note?"

"Do you think I was sent by your father? Or, you can see if this is your father's handwriting."

Lu Xingye smiled slightly and took the lead in picking up a chicken drumstick for himself, without any intention that he was a guest.

On the contrary, he wants to turn his back on the guests.

Zhao Yinyun smacked her lips and said nothing. She read the so-called suicide note, and there was no doubt that the handwriting was written by her father.

Otherwise, she would have driven him away long ago.

On the other side, her sister was eating with chopsticks without a single chopstick. She didn't speak and didn't know what she was thinking.


"Why do you think so much?"

"My beloved has passed away, but we cannot live in sorrow forever. We have to look forward and continue to live with your parents' share."

Lu Xingye said lightly, and then stopped talking.

He now plays the steward of Kangda Group. What the two women need now is companionship, and sometimes talking too much is not good.

He only needs to give the two women a little guidance and guide them to inherit the Kangda Group and develop longevity medicine.

Immediately afterwards.

After Lu Xingye finished his meal, he placed a stick of incense on the spiritual tablet next to him and left silently.

It is not easy to gain the trust of two women.

It must be persevered.

The next day, Lu Xingye took the two girls out to relax again.

On the third day, he took the two girls to the grave to offer incense.

On the fourth day, he took the two girls to play again.

Originally, the two women were reluctant to get too close to Lu Xingye, but because Lu Xingye was familiar with the plot, he not only knew their preferences, but also spoke humorously.


Lu Xingye successfully gained the trust of the two women.


Lu Xingye also came to Zhao Yinyun's house as usual. First, he put a stick of incense on his father's spiritual tablet, and then started cooking for the two girls.

He didn't know why, but when he saw the two women, he always felt that their eyes were a little evasive, as if they wanted to say something to him.

Lu Xingye had a hunch that something special would happen today.

"Have a meal."

After placing the last dish on the table, Lu Xingye said lightly.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhao Yinyun and Zhao Lingmei took steps to come to the dining table.

But Zhao Yinyun looked worried.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Lu Xingye did not take the initiative to speak, but waited for the other party to confess.

as expected.

About ten minutes passed.

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