Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 189


Carry out some normal confidential transactions of the Foundation.

Transactions and conversations in Tianyan 2 will be completely confidential.

Except for Lu Xingye, no one can check it.

No one can decipher this satellite signal.

Therefore, communication in Tianyan-2 is absolutely safe.

Lu Xingye checked the content of the email again, and after making sure there was no problem, he sent the email to Mellon XII's exclusive mailbox.


You should find a way to make the other party believe that you can indeed perform the head-changing technique.

This email followed the network signal and was transmitted to Tianyan 2. Then Tianyan 2 encrypted the email and sent it to the personal mailbox of Mei Long XII.

at the same time.

Mellon XII is lying on the hospital bed.

This hospital is called Mellon Hospital, and it is the hospital where their family has the most superb medical skills.

But the angel in white who usually saves lives and heals the wounded.

At this moment, he could not delay his body's aging, nor could it make his body healthy again.

Not to mention getting him to stand up.

There is a hanging bottle hanging on Mellon XII's right hand. The hanging bottle contains certain hormones from the fetus of pregnant women. This hormone can hang his life to a certain extent.

Let him linger in the hospital bed.

This bottle of drip alone costs more than 100,000 bottles. Ordinary people simply cannot enjoy it.

But Mellon XII is no ordinary person.

This little money is nothing in his eyes.

What he wants is to stand up again, have a healthy body, and live a second life.


"Your child is amazing."

"Now he leads his family, lives in the arms industry, and has opened up a new world. He has also discovered a huge gold mine."

“These will further enhance our family’s influence in Bald Eagle.”

"After you pass away, your son will take good care of the Mellon family."

George was a close confidant of Mellon XII.


He was talking to Mellon XII word by word.

But this was a compliment, and when it fell into the ears of Mellon XII, it made him very unhappy.

Originally, it was every father's greatest hope that his son would become a successful child.


This certainly does not include Mellon XII.

He was a little unwilling.

He wants to live a second life and become a trend-setter of this era again, not his son.

Mellon XII clenched his hands, his eyes bursting with strong reluctance.


This unwillingness slowly dissipated.

So what if you are still unwilling?

Birth, old age, illness and death are human normality and the law of nature.

No one can violate the laws of nature and reverse youth.

That’s all.

My time has finally passed.

The future belongs to my son Mellon XIII.

As a father, I can only silently bless him.

Just when Mellon XII was gradually relieved, the mobile phone next to the hospital bed vibrated suddenly, and then the display screen lit up.

I received a new email on my phone.

Mellon XII looked at his phone and frowned.

Who would send an email to yourself at this time?


Or send it to your personal mailbox.

The email address of Mellon XII is only known to a few of his close associates and old friends.

Normally no one would contact me.

But if someone contacts me, it means something big is going on.


"What's the matter?"

"What happened?"

George looked at Mellon XII and felt a little nervous because he didn't know what was going on.


George serves as a close confidant of Mellon XII.

But now he is not exactly a confidant of Mellon XII.

Now George secretly works for Mellon's son, Mellon XIII.

On the surface, he was taking care of Mellon XII in the hospital, but in fact he was helping his son collect intelligence.

Once Mellon XII returns to the west.

The other party's son will completely inherit the Mellon family and become the new head of the family.

Mellon XII naturally knew this situation.


He calmly picked up the phone, turned on the screen, looked at it for two seconds, and a smile appeared on his face.


"It was just an old friend of mine who sent me an email asking how I was doing."

"Oh! That must be your very good friend." George sighed. Although he also knew that there was something unusual about this email, he did not dare to ask further.

Immediately afterwards.

Mellon XII chatted with his confidant for a few more words, and then kicked him out on the grounds that he needed to rest.

After George went out.

Mellon XII's face suddenly changed, becoming a little joyful, and even his eyes lit up a bit.

A glimmer of hope flashed through my heart.

I swiped my right hand, lit up the phone screen again, and read the email again.

This is the content of the email.

【Invitation card】

[Dear Mellon:]

[I am the spokesperson of the Changsheng Foundation, you can call me Lu. ]

[I guess you don’t know what kind of organization the Longevity Foundation is, but it doesn’t matter. Let me introduce two products of our company and you will know. ]

Product one:

Medical body products.

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