Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 190

Through biological cloning technology, your genes are collected to build a medical body. If a part of your body is broken, get a replacement part from the medical body.

……if you are willing to. can even perform head replacement surgery to give you a brand new body.

Product two:

Longevity medicine.

Different concentrations of longevity medicine have different effects. Generally speaking, they can extend life by 5 to 20 years.


With your current decayed body, just taking longevity medicine is not enough.

You have to change your body.

The above are the two products currently launched by our foundation. I hope you like them.

PS: If you want to own these two products, you must first join the foundation. As for how to join the foundation, I left a QR code on the cover of the email. You can scan this QR code to enter the official website of the foundation.

Inside you can connect to everything you want to know.


It's okay if you don't believe it.

Even if the business fails, the friendship remains. We can just be friends.

156. Lu Xingye ventured out to the high seas to change the head of a monkey

See here.

A flash of fire flashed in Mellon XII's mind, and perhaps the hope that had been extinguished was rekindled.

This Immortality Foundation?

What's the origin?

Is it true or false?

In order to learn about the foundation, Mellon XII used his mobile phone to identify the QR code on the email.

Draw a link.

After clicking this link, you enter a website called the Immortality Foundation.

The website has the logo of the foundation, and the same mysterious text as the email circulates on it.

The overall look is black.

A long history is presented above.

This picture easily reminds people that the Foundation is an ancient organization that has existed forever.

Mellon XII, please be gentle and want to enter the website to find out more.

An input box suddenly pops up on the website.

[Dear Mellon XII. 】

[This is the Changsheng Foundation. You must have seen the email I sent you when you see this. But our foundation is a membership-based foundation. 】

[If you want to view the content of the website, please register as a member first. 】

[Registration amount: 10 billion. 】


Does it cost 10 billion to register as a member?

This startled him.

Nothing written in the criminal code is so scary.

If the Longevity Foundation really has medical and longevity medicine technology, it would be nothing to pay 10,000,000,000.

After all, this is something related to life.

Life is priceless.

It's worth it no matter what the cost.


The problem is that Mellon XII has no idea whether what the Immortality Foundation said is true or false.

If he didn't have to pay such a high price, he could still give it a try.

But if you spend tens of billions...

Even if he is the current head of the Mellon Group, he cannot come up with it all at once.


He will not act blindly until he has determined whether what the Changsheng Foundation said is true or false.

Mellon XII also didn’t quite believe what the email said.

But he still had a glimmer of hope and casually took a screenshot of the Longevity Foundation's logo and forwarded it to his cronies.

Ask them to help investigate the Changsheng Foundation.

The results obtained were naturally unsatisfactory.

Mellon XII searched every corner of the world, but could not find a force like the Immortality Foundation.

Organizations engaged in medical and elixir research have not found anything either.

It is as if the Immortality Foundation does not exist in this world, and there is no trace to be found.

over time.

Mellon XII was still lying on the hospital bed, but the unwillingness in his heart had gradually let go.

Birth, old age, illness and death are the normal conditions of human beings.

Now that I am old.

Then he should hand over his inheritance rights to his son.

Mellon XII is no longer looking for the Immortality Foundation.

It seemed like he had resigned himself to his fate.

at the same time.

the other side.

Lu Xingye has pushed the foundation plan to the next step.

——Find a way to make Mellon XII believe in the Immortality Organization.

The principle is the same.

If the Immortal Organization wants to gain the trust of Mellon XII, it must first produce some solid evidence.

As for how to come up with definite evidence.

Lu Xingye also had a detailed plan.

Since Mellon XII doesn't believe in himself, he has to make an example.


This example is not only applicable to Mellon XII.

It can also be used to invite other chaebols to join the foundation in the future.


Lu Xingye did not lose money by setting an example, nor did he do it in vain.

Of course~

Although Lu Xingye's moral bottom line is very low, it is not that low.

If he were allowed to experiment on an innocent person.

He would never agree.


Excluding humans, he could only use animals for experiments.

For example: Gorilla.

As we all know, human ancestors are inextricably related to gorillas.

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