Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 191

Human genes are also very similar to gorillas.

Excluding genes, humans and gorillas are also very similar in physical structure.

On Blue Star, there are already many research organizations that use gorillas instead of humans to conduct dangerous experiments.

Only if the experiment is done on gorillas and the experiment is indeed feasible, will the clinical experiment be conducted on humans.

About a week later.

Lu Xingye and Jarvis took a special plane and flew to the high seas of the Pacific Ocean.

A million-ton ship stopped on the high seas.

This is the temporary base of the Longevity Foundation.

He was going to do a gorilla head-replacement experiment here.

The helicopter circled, lowering the ladder.

Lu Xingye, however, was not prepared to take the ladder. With his current physical condition, he could jump from the helicopter to the ship without any harm.

You must know that it is only about 10 meters above the ship.

This height is nothing to him.


There was a close collision between the sole of the foot and the deck, making a muffled sound.

Then Lu Xingye's feet landed on the ground.

He named the ship "The Immortality."

The Changsheng has been turned into a mobile arms fortress by Lu Xingye. Looking up, the deck is full of neatly arranged robot armies.

The robot is equipped with multiple rotating air guns.

The ship is equipped with air cannons, electromagnetic guns, and ghost cannons.

Coupled with the positioning of the Tianyan 1 satellite, the Changsheng already has precise sea, land and air strike capabilities.

It is no exaggeration to say:

If the Changsheng had not encountered a nuclear attack, no one in the world would have been able to break into the Changsheng in a short time.


Immediately afterwards.

There was another loud noise on the deck, and Jarvis jumped out of the plane with Lu Xingye.

Because Jarvis was a machine, the sound of his feet on the deck was louder than Lu Xingye's.


"Boss, you are too cautious."

"We are just performing a simple head transplant operation on the high seas, and we are not doing anything to destroy humanity."

"Is it necessary to prepare so many strike forces?" Jarvis looked at the thousands of well-equipped robots on the deck and the dark and eerie muzzles next to them.

He felt that his boss was making a mountain out of a molehill.


Their trip was completely confidential.

No one knew their location or where he was on the high seas.

So he felt it was a bit redundant for the boss to be so cautious.

"It's always good to be careful."


"I don't know why, but I always have an ominous feeling. I feel like something will happen to this event."

Lu Xingye was a little uneasy.

Since the hive was established, he has been hiding inside the hive and has never come out.

I don’t know how many people in the world are staring at me!

In other words:

There are many people in this world who want to kill him.

It's just that he was alone in the hive before, and others couldn't do anything to him.

Naturally, one cannot be too careful when coming out this time.

157. Live broadcast of head-changing, the foundation has extraordinary skills

"Boss, I think you are suffering from delusions of being persecuted."

"Now we are in the vast sea, who can find us?" Jarvis laughed dryly.

Hearing this, Lu Xingye shook his head.

He didn't tell Jarvis about his worries, but just told him to turn on the signal jammer to the maximum.

The world does not mean that it is absolutely safe on the high seas.

Although there are usually no people coming to the high seas, there are still satellites in the sky.

Lu Xingye couldn't guarantee whether his whereabouts would be monitored by other organizations' satellites.


They went inside the ship. In the next month, they will all be living there.

The top of the ship is a sightseeing area.

The middle level of the ship is the rest area, which contains accommodation, entertainment, and dining areas.

The bottom of the ship is the surgical area.

Lu Xingye prepared two rounds of experiments, and the two rounds of experiments were conducted at the same time.

The first round of experiments was a monkey head transplant operation, and the second round of experiments was a longevity drug experiment.

Now he is preparing for the first round of experiments.

Through live streaming.

Live broadcast of the whole process of the monkey's head change, and the recovery process after the head change.

In order to express the situation of Mellon XII more intuitively.

Lu Xingye specially selected an old monkey.

This old monkey is senile, his limbs are atrophied, and he has trouble even standing.

After the live broadcast equipment and surgical tools are ready.

Lu Xingye began to retreat behind the scenes and handed the operating table to Jarvis.

"Lao Jia."

"I'll leave the monkey's head transplant surgery to you."

"No problem. Boss, just do the live broadcast and leave the experiment to me." As he said that, Jarvis's simulated skin began to change.

From a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, he turned into a funny image.

The eyes are large.

The mouth is very long.

The ears are large.

He doesn't look like a normal person, he looks like a cartoon character.

If I had to describe it, Jarvis at this moment was like an amusement park clown. Every time that big mouth opens, it looks a little spooky.


Lu Xingye turned on the computer, and the live broadcast equipment next to him was powered on, and everything began to operate normally.

The scene on the operating table was already displayed on the screen.

It's just that Jarvis hasn't started the experiment yet, he is still waiting for Lu Xingye's instructions.

Lu Xingye adjusted the angle to ensure that he could clearly see what was on the operating table.

He began to dial Mellon XII’s phone number through the encrypted channel of the Sky Eye 1 satellite.

"Hey, who's there?"

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