Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 192

The weak voice of Mellon XII came from the other side of the microphone.

"It's me. The one who can make you live your second life."

"So, who are you???"

"People from the Immortality Foundation. You can call me: Lao K."

Old K?

Mellon XII heard this and said nothing. He usually ignores this kind of guy who hides his head and hides his tail.

But it's undeniable now.

He was seduced by the email.


Mellon XII wanted to hear what this longevity foundation wanted to say.

"That's why I called you."

"I want to invite you to watch a live broadcast."

"As for the rest, let's talk about it after watching this live broadcast."

After saying that.

Lu Xingye hung up the phone.

The bait is ready, just waiting for the opponent to bite the hook.

Mellon XII looked at the hung up phone, hesitated for 2 seconds, and then picked up the phone.


There is an encrypted text message on the phone.

The location shown in this text message is unknown, and no number has been found.

It looks quite strange.

Mellon XII slowly opened the link in the text message, and there was a live broadcast on the other side of the link.

The live broadcast title is:

Give you a new body and give you a new lease of life.

This title alone made Mellon XII breathless for two seconds.

He somewhat deceived himself into thinking that maybe the Immortality Foundation really had extraordinary abilities and could give himself a brand new body.

The live broadcast showed an old monkey tied to the operating table.

Although Mellon XII was not personally present, you can clearly observe the scene on the other side.

For example:

He could clearly observe that the monkey on the operating table was alive and an old monkey.

The fate of that monkey is somewhat similar to my own.

There is no escape from nature’s laws of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Now that its body has decayed, even standing has become a luxury.

But the monkey's eyes are still alert.

Through the screen, Mellon XII seemed to see himself unwilling to accept it.

If possible, he really doesn't want to grow old like this and wants to live out his second life.

This was a hoarse sound coming from the live broadcast room.

The sound is computer-synthesized and encrypted through multiple channels. Therefore, no one can find out the real original owner through the sound alone.


"Welcome to the live broadcast room."

"I know that you have always been skeptical of our Immortality Foundation. I will use two experiments to make you completely believe in us."

"The first experiment is: Monkeys change their heads."

"By replacing the head, the monkey is given a brand new body and allowed to stand up again."

"The second experiment is: longevity medicine experiment."


"Hope you like it."


"Okay, without further ado, let's officially start the experiment."

As Lu Xingye's voice fell, Jarvis moved slowly, as if he had received some instruction.

Follow the established steps to start the head-replacement surgery on the monkey.


"First, let's check the monkey's authenticity."


Jarvis also began to test various aspects of the monkey's body coefficients, including: age, physical condition... breed... heartbeat...

and some detailed information.

And he presented the detailed information of these monkeys on the screen.

Therefore, the monkey’s electrocardiogram, mental curve, and vital sign monitoring curve are added to the screen...

"Okay, pass this series of inspections."

"We can finally confirm that this monkey is an old and alive monkey."

"The monkey never had any disease other than old age."

"Okay, let's officially start the head-changing experiment."

See here.

Mellon XII's breathing became much faster and his eyes were fixed on the screen.

Perhaps this unprecedented experiment rekindled some hope in his heart.

Unconsciously, he had changed from a lying position to a sitting position.

Will the Changsheng Foundation’s head transplant experiment be successful?

If a monkey's head is successfully transplanted, does that mean that it can also be successfully performed on a human?

if it is like this.

Then can I change my head?

Changing one's head, or rather, it's not called changing one's head, it's called changing one's body.

if so……

158. Monkey’s head-changing experiment was successful, and life and health monitoring was good

Mellon XII’s eyes flashed...

I am becoming more and more interested in this live broadcast.

I really hope the Longevity Foundation can succeed!

If the foundation really has such technology, then it might not be a bad idea to pay 10 billion to join the foundation.

Mellon XII thought so in his heart.

But he still didn't know whether the foundation's head transplant surgery would be successful, so he could only continue to watch.

in the screen.

Jarvis is undergoing extremely professional head transplant surgery.

"This one is a medical clone of a monkey."

"The genes of the medical body and the monkey are exactly the same, so if the monkey's head is replaced with the medical body, there will be no rejection reaction at all."

"Now let's anesthetize the monkey."

"Then the monkey's head is cut off with a laser and transplanted into a medical body."

After Jarvis gave a brief explanation.

Then I started to change my head directly.

Moreover, during the process of changing his hair, he did not forget to show off his expertise in his profession.

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