Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 193

From time to time, he stopped the operation and explained to Mellon XII.

About two hours later.

Jarvis finally breathed a sigh of relief after sewing the monkey's neck shut with precision surgical instruments.

The head transplant surgery has now been officially completed.


"Our head replacement surgery is now complete."

"Through the vital sign detection equipment, we can see that after the monkey's head is replaced with a medical body, everything is normal."

"This is the monkey's vital signs curve, and the heartbeat curve."

In fact, Jarvis does not need to say it.

Mellon XII has seen the display curve on the screen.

He couldn't understand other vital sign curves, but he could still understand the heartbeat curve.

The wavy lines represent fluctuations in the heartbeat.

If the wavy line turns into a straight line, it means the heart has stopped.


Now the curves and crests of the wavy lines have become more powerful.

This is……

Then the heartbeat became stronger.




Mellon XII took deep breaths several times in a row and almost died of excitement.

Ring ring ring…

Due to the intense emotional fluctuations, the alarm of the life detection equipment nearby was triggered.

The alarm sounded loudly in Mellon XII's ward.

A group of nurses and doctors hurried in. Mellon XII was the biggest financial backer of their hospital.

If something happens to the sponsor, they will not be able to escape the blame.

"Mellon, something happened?"

"What's the matter?"

"Quick, quick, the attending doctor over."

"Psychiatry, genetics, surgery, internal medicine...virology...all the experts came quickly."

"Mellon's violent mood swings just now, the dean is preparing to conduct an expert consultation with their sponsor."

George heard the siren and walked in quickly. He pretended to be anxious on his face, but he was happy inside.

This alarm has sounded!

The alarm sounded, which meant that something was wrong with Mellon's body.

The old man has lived long enough.

It's time to be laid to rest.

The future is young people.

To George's ears, this was not a siren, but a beautiful musical sound.


"What happened?"

"Hurry up and start treating me!"

"be sure……"

"Save Mellon back at all costs."

George pretended to be nervous and yelled at the doctor eagerly.


This was not the scene he wanted to see.

I saw...

Maybe too many people poured into the ward, or maybe they disturbed Mellon from watching the live broadcast.

Mellon XII frowned slightly.

"I'm fine."

"You guys get out!"

Mellon XII began to chase people away. Now even if the King of Heaven is here, he cannot be disturbed from watching the live broadcast.


"Mellon, I think your body is more important. The trigger alarm just went off. If you are unwilling to go to some expert consultations, I won't worry!"

George looked at Mellon XII, slightly disappointed.

The old man has lived long enough.

Why don't you die?

"I know my body well. I said it's okay, you can go out."


George hesitated for a moment, and originally wanted to continue saying something, but was suddenly interrupted by Mellon XII.

"I said get out."

"Why don't you even listen to what I say?"

"It seems that I have been lying on the hospital bed for too long, and you have all forgotten what I used to do."

Mellon XII's cold voice spread throughout the ward, making everyone shiver.

The doctors all trembled and went out.

George was silent for a moment, and finally said nothing, and slowly followed the doctors out.

"Don't forget to close the door." Oh experience

"Okay, Mellon."

After George closed the door smoothly, he felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

Mellon XII has never spoken in this tone since he was bedridden for a long time.

Now he suddenly speaks in this tone again...

It made George seem to see the young Mellon XII.

The young Mellon XII was high-spirited and iron-handed, and no one in the entire Bald Eagle Country knew his methods.

It seems that I am not here during this time.

Something happened to Mellon that he didn't know about, so that the other party regained hope for life.

"We must find out what happened to Mellon XII recently."

"Especially that email, I have to know what's in it."

"If it doesn't work, just kill Mellon XII directly."

George murmured in his heart and left the hospital.

He was going to report Mellon's situation to the Thirteenth.

at the same time.

After seeing everyone leave, Mellon XII returned to the live broadcast room.


Jarvis is ready to wake the monkey.



"Now we are ready to wake up this monkey."

"Let's see if the monkey can regain its vitality and live a second life after giving it a new body."

beep beep......

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