Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 194


After Jarvis injected the anesthetic into the monkey's body.

He picked up two electric shock batons with both hands and gave the monkey two hard blows on the forehead.

In an instant...

The monkey's body shook twice.

A pair of smart eyes suddenly opened, looking around curiously. Then the fingers on his limbs slowly began to regain feeling.

First, the middle fingers of both hands moved slowly.

Immediately afterwards.

Both arms moved slightly.

"Now the monkeys have slowly taken over the body."

"His hands can already tremble slightly."

"Now let's untie the monkey and see if it can stand up."

A restraint rope is simply a few ropes.

It is a tool used to restrain the monkey on the operating table.


Jarvis had already untied the restraint rope and waved to the monkey, indicating that the monkey could try to stand up.

159. Don’t worry! We haven't finished the experiment yet.


Perhaps inspired by Jarvis, the monkey's smart eyes turned slightly and stretched out his hands to support the operating table.

A slight exertion.

His whole body sat up.

Immediately afterwards.

The monkey tried to stand up again, but only stood slightly upright for three seconds before falling on all fours again.

Just standing upright for three seconds does not mean that the monkey cannot stand up.

Quite the opposite.

This is an important proof that the monkey can stand up again after changing its head.

As we all know, monkeys are accustomed to walking on all fours. Now being able to stand upright with both legs for three seconds is already a very remarkable achievement.

Immediately afterwards.

The monkey started to try to walk again.

Although its steps were a little messy and shaky at first, it soon got the hang of it.

The monkey's walking on the ground gradually became smoother.

He was as happy as a monkey, walking around and jumping around in the operating room.


It is a monkey in itself.

Mellon XII looked at the monkey, his wrinkled eyes shed tears unconsciously.

No one can understand this monkey's mood better than him.

A monkey who was about to die of old age changed his body and lived a second life.

The excitement is beyond words.

Mellon XII felt that this monkey was a true reflection of himself.

"It really... really worked."

"The Longevity Foundation can really change my head."

He was so excited that he shouted in his heart.

Although he tried hard to control it, he still triggered the hospital's monitoring equipment, and another piercing alarm sounded.


Because those doctors had been warned, they did not conduct extensive expert consultations this time around.

And a professional nurse was sent to understand the situation.

Later, after learning that nothing happened to Mellon XII, he took the initiative to leave.

Mellon XII gradually calmed down after being excited.

A successful head transplant is only half the battle.

The remaining half depends on the monkey's recovery.

If you do not recover well after a head transplant surgery, it will undoubtedly accelerate your own death.


Mellon XII must be patient.

Because he only has one life, he must be cautious and cautious.

This month.

Mellon XII will appear in the live broadcast room on time every day to watch the monkey's recovery.

On the first day, the monkey can walk upright.

The next day, the monkey resumed hopping and was able to do a few vigorous movements, but not much. Because monkeys will become out of breath once they do strenuous movements.

Day three:

The monkey's Qi and blood became much more ruddy, and his appetite also increased. This is all going in a good direction.

The fourth day...

The fifth day...

Day 30.

One month later, the monkey is recovering well and has no rejection at all.

Various coefficients of the body slowly returned to normal.

Looking at the monkey's appearance now, it is completely impossible to tell that this is a 20-year-old monkey.

The average of monkeys is different from that of humans.

The average life span of humans is 78 years, but the estimated life span of monkeys is about 20 years.

So...the 20-year-old monkey already has half his foot in the coffin.

It can make such an old monkey stand up again without looking any older.

This technology is awesome on time.

have to say.

Mellon XII was tempted.

The once-dead heart began to beat again. He wanted to change his body and stand up again.

"Dear old K."

"Are you in the live broadcast room?"

"I would like to ask, if I want to change my body, how should I do it?"

Lu Xingye hasn't started to answer yet.

Jarvis answered.

"Mr. Mellon."

"Don't be impatient yet."

"In order to allow you to fully understand our Immortality Foundation, please read our experiments patiently."

"The first rotation surgery has been completed perfectly."

"The next step is to conduct longevity medicine experiments."

After finishing speaking, Jarvis smiled faintly, and the clown's funny long mouth also moved, looking extremely scary.


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