Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 195

Mellon XII clasped his hands, his eyes bursting with light, obviously impatient.

At this time.

The longevity medicine experiment is divided into two groups, A and B.

Both groups A and B use the same samples, and then let group A take longevity medicine, while group B remains unchanged, that is, does not take medicine.

Then observe the changes in biometric characteristics of these two groups of samples.

This is called a control group experiment.

This experiment also used senior monkeys as experimental samples.

In order to eliminate the chance of the experiment, there were ten monkeys in each group.


"This is the second product of our longevity foundation - longevity medicine."

"Whether humans or animals, as long as they take longevity drugs, their lifespan will increase to a certain extent. The specific increase in lifespan is related to the concentration of the drug. Drugs with high concentrations increase lifespan, while drugs with low concentrations increase lifespan short."


"Generally speaking, longevity medicine can increase life span by 5 to 20 years."

"Both groups A and B are also monkeys around 15 years old. They can only perform some simple activities and are very weak."

"We will now inject longevity medicine into the monkeys in Group A. Please pay attention to the changes in the monkeys."

The words just fell.

Jarvis picked up the syringe and injected longevity medicine into the ten monkeys in group A respectively.

This longevity medicine is a semi-finished medicine temporarily manufactured by Zhao Yinyun.

Not only cannot the effect of immortality be achieved, but the increased life span is also greatly reduced.

The only good thing is that longevity medicine is harmless.

In other words, there are no side effects.

at the same time.

the other side.

Mellon XII was shocked to the point of numbness.

Longevity medicine?

Does the Longevity Foundation really have longevity medicine?

Seeing the anchor's vow, Mellon XII felt that this longevity medicine was 80% real.


Who can tell me what kind of organization the Longevity Foundation is?

How could something like longevity medicine be invented?

Assume that everything the Foundation says is true.

Then I will...

The more Mellon Twelve thought about it, the more excited he became, and then he triggered the hospital's alarm.

He wished he could join the Immortality Foundation right away and get himself a brand new body.

The days of lying in bed all day.

He's had enough.

He desperately wanted to stand up and live out his second life.

To do this, he spared no expense.

Although Mellon XII was very anxious, the experiment was not finished yet.

The foundation paid no attention to him at all.

He could only continue to wait.

About five minutes later, Jarvis finally injected all ten monkeys in Group A with longevity medicine.

Now it seems that the monkeys in group A and group A are not much different. They were all so weak and spiritless that it was difficult to even stand.

The reason why the monkeys in group A have not changed yet.

That's because the longevity medicine has just been injected and the longevity medicine has not yet taken effect.

After the longevity medicine is injected, it will take about an hour to take effect.

160. Mellon joins the foundation and prepares to undergo head transplant surgery

"Mr. K."

"Why hasn't Group A changed yet?"

Mellon XII asked with some anxiety as he watched the live broadcast.

He also has high hopes for longevity medicine.

Head transplant surgery can give yourself a healthy body.

Longevity medicine can extend your life.

Only by combining the two can your body reach its peak.

Although he also knew that even the magic elixir would not work that quickly, he couldn't help but feel worried.

Worried that longevity medicine will not be effective.

This shattered the hope he had just raised.

"Mellon, let's not rush."

"According to the efficacy description of the longevity medicine, it will take at least an hour for the longevity medicine to take effect after the monkey is injected with it."

"In the meantime, we can watch the recovery of the monkeys that have had head transplant surgery."

Jarvis named the monkey who had undergone head transplant surgery: Adam.

Adam is a figure rich in myths and legends.

It means that the monkey will get a new life.


It's monkey life.

Now Adam has recovered very well. On the surface, he looks like a young monkey, but there is an old soul living in his body.

Monitored by reliable experimental data.

Adam, who had a head transplant, has no problem living for another 10 years.

What is this concept?

The lifespan of a monkey is usually twenty years, but now after head transplant surgery, it can live another ten years.

in other words,

It extends the monkey's life by half.

If we look at the average human age, if you can only live to be 80 years old, but if you have a head transplant surgery, you can live to be 120 years old.

If combined with longevity medicine.

Doubling human life is not a problem.

"Come on, Adam."

"Perform a backflip for our friends in the live broadcast room."

Monkeys are psychic and can understand human speech to a certain extent.

Plus Adam is a show monkey.

After professional training.

Adam was able to understand what Jarvis was saying.

Adam actually put his right hand to his ear and scratched his ear. This action makes me smile, and I think it is very monkey.


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