Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 200


"I'll take you to the finance department to get the money."

163. Enable the highest authority, and the robot companion takes up arms

Mellon XII has no doubt about him.

Following his son, he got into a black special vehicle.

In addition to this special vehicle, there were several black vans nearby.

The windows of the van are all closed and are one-way glass. The situation inside cannot be seen from the outside, but the situation outside can be seen from the inside.

Although Mellon XII was a little surprised.

But I thought it was the bodyguard brought by my son.

No doubts arose.

At first, the vehicle was driving normally, heading towards the Mellon Group headquarters.

But, gradually.

It started to become abnormal.

The specially-built vehicle deviated from the normal driving route and became more and more remote as it traveled.

Mellon XII looked at the receding birch trees around him. This was not the road leading to Mellon's headquarters at all.

what happened?

No matter how stupid Mellon XII was, he knew something was wrong.

His son had no intention of taking him to withdraw money.

Mellon, who was sitting in the back row, glanced at the rearview mirror in front of him. In the rearview mirror was his son's face.

This face is 70% similar to mine.

It is simply carved out of the same mold.

Originally he should have felt extremely cordial, but for some reason, Fei Fei didn't feel cordial at this moment.

Instead, it felt very strange.

Is this his son?

What a white-eyed wolf.


Mellon XII does not blame his son.

In this money-oriented society, it is common for fathers and sons to turn against each other.

Under the corruption of money.

People's morals gradually declined.

But...Mellon XII was unwilling to give in.

He didn't want to die like this.

Forget it if you haven’t encountered the Immortality Foundation before.

Now he meets the Immortality Foundation.

There is a head transplant surgery in which you can give yourself a brand new body. There are longevity medicines in it that can greatly extend your life.

All this has great temptation for Mellon XII.


No one can resist this temptation.

There is a great future ahead, where you can live again.

Mellon XII was unwilling to die like this.

He began to quietly take out his mobile phone, preparing to contact his old subordinates.

Sent with a message.

Make phone calls one by one.


The sound of "The phone you dialed has been turned off" came from the other side.

Contacted all his old subordinates.

No one answered my phone.

Is it his son whose hands and eyes can reach the sky?

Or are you being held back by something?

Mellon XII's heart gradually sank. It seemed that no one could save him.

The only one you can rely on now is yourself.

"My dear father."

"Are you a little disappointed? None of your old subordinates answered your call."

The Thirteenth raised his head and glanced at the rearview mirror, with a faint smile on his lips.

"What did you do to them?"

"They have been following me for many years, please don't hurt them."

Thirteenth generation:

"Don't worry! They are fine. They will come out when we are done. My dear father, you only have you to worry about him now."

"What do you want to do? Kill me? Then become the head of the family?"

Mellon glanced at his son and spoke calmly.

He tried to stabilize his son first and then slowly think of a solution.

"No no no no……"

"You are my dear father! How could I be willing to do it?"

"In my plans."

"As long as you stay safe and stay on the hospital bed, I won't do anything to you."

"If I'm to blame, it's because you still want to use the family's money."

"My dear father."

"I had no choice but to take this step."


"Our blood is thicker than water. I will not kill you, I will only restrict your freedom."

"Please do not worry."

"I will definitely wait until you die of old age naturally, and then send you on your last journey."

Listening to his son's soft voice.

Mellon suddenly felt a little scared. Why was his son talking so strangely?

It doesn't sound like what a normal person would say.

Is the mind a little twisted?

Oh my god!

Would he imprison me and torture me slowly?

This thought only crossed Mellon's mind for a moment and then passed away.

The main thing now is how to get rid of it.

Thinking about what is there and what is not has no effect at all.


Didn’t the Changsheng Foundation say that it was in trouble and could contact the other party?


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