Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 201

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Mellon XII composed a text message and sent it.

Less than two seconds passed.

There is one more text message reply on the phone.


"Rescue will arrive in five minutes."

After receiving this text message, Mellon XII suddenly felt a lot more at ease for some reason.

Although I don't quite believe what the other person said, I still feel a little comforted in my heart.

You know, this is Bald Eagle Country!

The Mellon family can basically be regarded as the largest chaebol organization in Bald Eagle.


Do other organizations have this power?

As far as Mellon knows, not at all.

at the same time.

The Thirteenth World just happened to see Mellon's movements, his face suddenly changed, and his voice instantly changed from feminine to snake-like.

"My dear father."

"What message did you receive?"


"Bring it here and take a look."

Originally, Mellon was not prepared to give the phone to his son because it was his last life-saving straw.

Maybe the so-called Immortality Foundation still relies on its own mobile phone signal for positioning.


He is old and frail... unable to resist at all.

The phone was snatched away by his son in an instant.

The Thirteenth looked at the content on the phone screen with a strange smile on his lips.


"Rescue within five minutes?"

"My good father."

"Do you still have such a backup plan?"


With a strange laugh, he suddenly smashed the phone with his right hand.

"My good father."

"Say it."

"Who did you contact?"

"I...I don't know him either." Mellon said lightly.


"It doesn't matter."

"Now we are ready to move. No matter who you contact, you can't find us."

After the Thirteenth World finished speaking.

Just let the driver take a turn and drive to a new transfer point.

And I turned on the signal jammer to ensure that the signal would not be traced.

Little did I know.

He did all this in vain.

Ever since Mellon sent the text message, the sky's satellite Tianyan No. 1 had already locked onto this special car.

No matter where they fled to.

There is no way to get rid of this kind of lowering pursuit.

at the same time.

With Lu Xingye's authorization, a certain robot companion in Bald Eagle's country went out of control.


This is not out of control.

Instead, Lu Xingye took over the robot companion with the highest authority.


This robot is no longer a service robot, but a terrifying war weapon.

164. Hey! Old man! Please pay the rescue fee first, and then we will consider joining the membership.

This robot companion is called Xiaojin.

Xiao Jin is a cleaning robot at the nearby sanitation station. He usually only picks up garbage around the road and faithfully performs his duties as a sanitation worker.

There is no one around now.

Xiao Jin just transformed into a terrifying killing machine.

Blue flames sprayed out from under the mechanical arm.

He chased the special car at high speed through the grass.

Because the population of Bald Eagle Country is relatively small, and the Thirteenth generation specializes in taking roads that are less traveled.

So no one noticed Xiaojin when he was walking on the road.


The Thirteenth arrived at the predetermined base.

This stronghold was his temporary planned stronghold, and no one knew about it except himself.

Plus he turned on the signal jammer.


The Thirteenth World didn't worry that someone would come to rescue him.

What he couldn't have imagined.

As soon as his vehicle parked outside the stronghold, Xiao Jin arrived.

Xiaojun wears a sanitation worker's outfit and his face is covered with simulated skin.

It doesn't look any different from the real person.

No one knows that the soul of a robot lives in the skin of a real person.


Xiao Jin is extremely fast.

The guards of the Thirteenth Generation were killed by Xiao Jin before they could react.

7 meters away, the gun is fast.

Within 7 meters, Xiaojin is fast.

Now that Xiao Jin had touched them at close range, their thermal weapons had no use.

Xiaojin raised and lowered his knife, one child at a time.

In addition to possessing great power, those specially made hands also carry a huge current.


Those who were hit by Xiao Jin all fell unconscious.

The soul returns to the west.

In Lu Xingye's setting, he was not prepared to hold back.

Starting a robot companion carries great risks.

If someone finds out and is exposed by the media, Tunhuo Technology will fall into a storm of public opinion.

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