Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 205

But along with not being used to it, there was also a hint of impulse. Reason recedes and sensibility slowly begins to take over the body.

Zhao Yinyun is really healing.

The indifference maintained by NZT-48 was instantly broken.

"I don't mind, what do you mind?"


"What am I? What are you you? Stand still." Zhao Yinyun's face was slightly stern, showing a little sternness.

Without any intention of stopping, his right hand took the moisturizing cosmetics and wiped them on Lu Xingye's face.

Don't stop until it's completely and evenly applied.

"I found... you are a grown man, and you really don't know how to take care of yourself."

"Look at you... your life has become a mess."

"It seems that it's impossible without a woman in the family."


"In the future, if you have me at home, I will take good care of you."

Facing Zhao Yinyun's constant criticism, Lu Xingye's face turned red.

His mouth moved twice.

Maybe he wanted to refute something.

But when he thought that Zhao Yinyun was only doing it for his own good, he said nothing more.

Lu Xingye nodded slightly: "Okay. Please give me your advice in the future."

"I'm just a little girl."

“If there’s anything you don’t do well, please give me some advice.”

"Teach each other."

Lu Xingye's heart was touched.

For some reason, he began to look forward to having such a girl who could accompany him to the top of the world.

Zhao Yinyun walked into the ship and entered the living area.

Suddenly, there was a "gurgling" sound in my stomach, and I sat on the plane for a long time.

She didn't even have time for lunch.

Plus it's already past five o'clock in the evening.

It's time for dinner.

Didn't have lunch, plus didn't have dinner...

I saw Lu Xingye a little excited just now, but I didn't feel anything at all. Now as soon as I enter the living area of ​​the ship, I can't help but feel the hunger.

Zhao Yinyun was really hungry.


"What do you usually eat at night? It can't be those frozen foods, plus high-energy compressed biscuits."

When Jarvis heard this, he suddenly raised his right hand like a good baby:


"I want to correct that."

"You should ask your boss what he usually eats, because I'm just a hungry artificial intelligence. I don't know how to eat."


Lu Xingye was silent for a moment and rolled his eyes at Jarvis. Here, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as mute.

When you have an AI that spits out sweet things, there's a downside.

He would say something every moment.

Maybe Jarvis' presence is too low, and it's trying to show off its presence.

"Ms. Zhao."

"You're very lucky to be here."

"I caught a bluefin tuna just now. We can have a snack tonight." Lu Xingye said with a smile.

What he didn't expect was.

At this time, Jarvis actually stretched his head over again and interjected.

"Ms. Zhao Yinyun."

"It's a coincidence that you're here. You don't have to follow the boss to eat frozen food. Once you get to the Ever Given, you don't have to suffer with this procrastinating heroine's character."

"But I have a saying, I don't know whether I should say it or not! People should starve their skin..."

"..." A black line appeared on Lu Xingye's forehead.

Jarvis is such a sweet-mouthed guy.

He wanted to sew the other person's mouth shut.

"Lao Jia."

"You go to the experimental area to develop drones for me. You are not allowed to come up without my order."

Jarvis raised his mouth, his voice a bit resentful. "Report to the boss. Isn't Tony following up on the drone plan? Why do I still want to..."

"Don't ask! Just ask, I am your boss." Lu Xingye made a serious face.

"I see you..."

"I think you are looking for excuses to get away from me. Then you and Zhao Yinyun will live an indescribable world together."

"Spring has arrived, and this is the season of resurrection of all things. It is also the season of reproduction of all things."

After saying that.

Jarvis fled the living area as if on the run.

God’s season of reproduction for all things?

You take two more steps slowly.

See if I can kill you.

Take apart your Ark Reactor and see if you can still smell the fragrance.

After Jarvis left.

Lu Xingye turned his head and looked at Zhao Yinyun, who actually saw a blush on his face.

"Ignore that Jarvis guy."

"He is an artificial intelligence with no emotions, and he often speaks without restraint." Lu Xingye explained with a smile.

Zhao Yinyun waved her hand.

His face remained calm, trying to appear calm inside. But the blush on his face betrayed that she was not at peace inside.


"I want to know right now, do we really have bluefin tuna to eat tonight?"

Although Zhao Yinyun is a woman with a very strong heart.

But he is also a foodie.

Very hungry for delicious food.

In addition, when she was in the "Immortality" movie world, she ate the food cooked by Lu Xingye every day.

I have long been dependent on the food made by Lu Xingye.

It had been a long time since she had eaten the food cooked by Lu Xingye.

Now that I heard that Lu Xingye was going to cook the food himself, Zhao Yinyun felt like she was home, and she felt very happy.

"Of course there is."

"This is my reward for applying moisturizer on me just now."

Lu Xingye smiled.

"Oh! Yeah!"

Zhao Yinyun showed a victory gesture.

Knowing that Zhao Yinyun was hungry, Lu Xingye went directly into the kitchen and started cooking without any further delay.

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