Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 206

Although there was only one entree, bluefin tuna.

But Lu Xingye acted like a five-star chef, making different meals based on different parts of bluefin tuna and different recipes.


The table was filled with a table of slow-cooking dishes.

167. Mellon landed on the Immortality, and warships appeared around him.

Fish head soup, fried fish, fried fish, fish fillets, fish sashimi, grilled fish...

There are all kinds of ways to eat it.

Zhao Yinyun fell in love instantly.

The nose moved, maybe stretched a bit, and then took a long sniff.

It's this familiar smell.

Love it, love it.

At this moment, Zhao Yinyun could no longer resist the temptation and started driving directly.

Seeing Zhao Yinyun eating, Lu Xingye also had a huge appetite.

He picked up the chopsticks with his right hand and started using them.

While they were eating.

Mellon and his men also landed on the Changsheng.

Of course they didn't come directly.

It was picked up by a robot sent by Jarvis.

To ensure safety, Jarvis also limited the number of people logging in.

Except Mellon the Operator.

You can only bring two more escorts.

Mellon chose to bring a bodyguard and a paramedic.

Just got on deck.

Mellon was deeply shocked by the Longevity.

The surrounding darkness was surrounded by gun muzzles, coupled with the equipment on the deck, and the well-trained troops.

It is no exaggeration to say:

This is not a passenger ship at all, but a warship.


This warship is also equipped with dozens of air cannons... There are also some unknown weapons around.

If you don't know.

Mellon thought the other party was going to fight some kind of large-scale war!


Since these robots are all bionic humans, Mellon and the others did not find out that they were robots.

at the same time.

Mellon also had a deep fear of the Foundation.

An organization that can install a shipload of equipment on a ship is not a simple organization.

"Mr. Mellon."

"Please come with me."

"The head transplant surgery takes about two months, one month of which is to cultivate the medical body. The other month is to observe your recovery after the body transplant."

Jarvis opened his hands and walked in front to show Mellon the way.

Along the way.

These robot guards are motionless and impressive. It looks like a special warrior.

Another thing Mellon never thought of is:

The reason why these robots are motionless is because they are robots. Unless there is a new order, they will not bat an eyelid.

"Hmph... I'm full... I'm so satisfied after eating."

Zhao Yinyun's chubby baby face moved slightly. That cute nose looks so cute that people can't help but want to touch it.


What a foodie!

Is this enough?

At this time.

Lu Xingye immediately discovered the difference between women and men.

He wanted to stand on the top of the world and see the scenery beyond the top. So I focused on my career.


Where is Zhao Yinyun?

Although her career and scientific research abilities are also very good, she pays more attention to eating, playing and enjoying herself.

Girls also prefer to rely on strong people.

For example:

Lu Xingye could detect Zhao Yinyun's vague affection and dependence on him.

But... now Lu Xingye is not sure whether to accept this favor.

Although he also felt quite comfortable being with Zhao Yinyun.

But love is so difficult to understand.

Barely able to come.

We can only look at fate in the future.

"Let's go."

"It's time to finish eating."

"Let's go to the deck to watch the sunset and relax."

"I haven't seen the sunset at Blue Star yet."

Just when Lu Xingye was about to agree, a red alarm suddenly appeared inside the ship.

Red warning lights and sirens are heard all the time.

The red warning light kept flashing, and Lu Xingye suddenly became nervous.

"Something serious has happened."

"This is a level one alert."

"It means that there has been a force in the sea that can threaten you."

Without bothering to answer Zhao Yinyun's words, Lu Xingye had already run to the main control room.

I saw this scene under surveillance.

Sonar and satellites simultaneously discovered that a large fleet appeared about 100 nautical miles away from the Changsheng.

Submarines can even be detected on the ocean floor.

The center of the fleet is surrounded by a large warship, all of which are equipped with thermal weapons.

Now they are marching in complete silence.

Looking at the direction they were heading, it turned out to be the Changsheng.

As everyone knows!

They advanced in silence, to no avail at all.

Because Tunhuo Technology's satellite Tianyan-1 uses quantum remote sensing technology, it far exceeds the technology on Blue Star.

When these warships were first launched.

Tianyan No. 1 discovered it.

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