Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 215

Task one:

Help the foundation grow in Bald Eagle and expand its arms business.

Completion reward: member points +1000, 10 bottles of longevity medicine.

Task two:

Development Foundation is offline.

Foundation members can discover their own downlines. For every downline you develop, you can get a bottle of longevity medicine.

Increase life span by ten years.

Points, :+10.

Task three:

Help the foundation establish a branch in Bald Eagle Country and complete the rewards...

Task four:

Look at the densely packed tasks above.

Mellon people are numb.

Walking the longest road in the world is the foundation's routine.

The key is--

Mellon couldn't do anything even if he didn't want to do the task.

He had just had a head transplant surgery and needed a bottle of maintenance solution every day, otherwise the joint between his head and neck would rot.

This maintenance solution is not free.

Instead, you have to use the foundation points to exchange for it.

This routine is really special and deep.

I performed a head replacement surgery on you and then charged for the maintenance solution.

You must continuously help the foundation complete its tasks and earn points.

Otherwise you have no points.

You can’t buy maintenance solution without points.

If you can't buy maintenance fluid, your neck will rot.

Then your life will be in jeopardy.

Mellon XII thought about it for a long time, and finally thought of a word to describe himself.

Tool man.

Special code ~ After I had my head transplant surgery, I became a tool for the foundation.



Mellon XII and Jarvis stared at each other for two seconds.


It was Mellon who compromised.

"Old K."

"Don't worry! I will complete the mission of the foundation. After all, it is the foundation that gave me a new life, and I should contribute to the foundation."


"Little comrade."

"You have a high level of ideological consciousness."

"If the foundation has a few more members with such ideological awareness, then why should our foundation not take off?"

Jarvis walked up to Mellon in an arrogant manner and lightly patted his shoulder with his right hand.

173. Lu Xingye returns to the hive, preparing to explore the gray fog area


Do you think I want to?

I'm here for the maintenance solution.

Mellon was silent for a moment.

After weighing the pros and cons, I finally decided that it was better to stay alive.

Tool people will be tool people!

In this corrupt society, who is not a tool?

After getting Mellon as a member.

The foundation plan has been initially completed.

The next step is to spread this big network and let more people join the foundation.

Tie more big guys to your chariot.


The foundation will become the supreme organization in the world.

time flies.

in a blink.

A month has passed, and Mellon XII's body has recovered well.

Now he is no different from a normal young man.

Can stand up normally.

Walk normally.

You can even have sex normally.

It's just that he has to change a bottle of maintenance solution every day, and he still can't get rid of the shadow of being dominated by the foundation.

Now the Mellon family has been completely reduced to tool people.

With the help of the Mellon family, the foundation branch was slowly established in the Bald Eagle Country.

over time.

The number of members of the foundation also began to increase gradually, and more and more big bosses were tied to the foundation.

Lu Xingye also took the opportunity to establish a Freezer branch.

If the lives of foundation members have come to an end, head transplant surgery or longevity medicine cannot save them.

He will refrigerate the bodies of these big guys.

When the technology in the future is enough to cure these big guys, they will be unblocked.

Freezer plan, medical plan, longevity medicine plan...

The foundation links these three plans together vertically and horizontally.

the final effect.


Lu Xingye explored Origin Island for a while.

This origin island stands on the high seas and is in a secluded location.

Moreover, the island naturally generates an ecosystem, which is independent of the ecological circle.

simply put:

The Origin Island is a paradise independent of the world.

Lu Xingye is planning to establish the second base of Tunnel Fire Technology here.

The second base is the hidden base.

Hidden bases and hives echo each other.

One light and one dark.

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