Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 216

The Hive is responsible for research and development, and the Second Base is responsible for manufacturing high-lethal weapons.

For example: nuclear weapons silos and space-based weapons silos.

Lu Xingye thought about it briefly and prepared to leave first.

As for the establishment of the second base of Tunnel Fire Technology.

There are other aspects to consider.

He will not make hasty decisions for the time being.


Lu Xingye turned his head and glanced at Origin Island, then turned around and boarded the helicopter.

On the helicopter.

Zhao Yinyun sat next to Lu Xingye.

Wearing a pure dress, through the hollow silk, you can faintly see her white feet.

do not know why.

Ever since Zhao Yinyun knew that Lu Xingye was a piece of wood, she had become more and more relaxed about her clothes.

Come as sexy as you want.

I don’t know who I’m tempting?

"Have the real finished elixirs produced any results in recent times?"

"Of course."

"Has the research and development been successful?" Lu Xingye turned his head and looked at Zhao Yinyun, breathing a little quickly.

What was used for Mellon before was only a substandard product of the elixir of longevity, and the real elixir of longevity had not been developed.


"I won't tell you."

"Why do you always talk to me about work? You are really boring."

"A beautiful woman like me is sitting in front of you. Are you not interested at all? Don't you want to talk about anything else besides work?"

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment, his face a little stiff.

Because he took NZT-48, his personality became much colder. And not good at communicating with others.

"All right."

"Then let's not talk about work for now."

"Let's watch a movie."

"...You idiot."

Zhao Yinyun was speechless for a moment.

Then he decided to watch a movie with Lu Xingye.

Being able to watch a movie with the people I like, at least I'm not that lonely.

What Lu Xingye turned on was a science fiction movie.

【Man in black. 】

There are aliens in the movie Men in Black, and the technology in it is much higher than that of Blue Star.

He wanted to see the movie.

See if you can get any inspiration from it.

after all.

Lu Xingye still has the ability to break the two-dimensional barrier once and take out the items he needs from the movie.

If he sees a very useful item in a movie, he doesn't mind using his ability to take it out.

The plane is very fast.

About two hours later, Lu Xingye's special plane landed at the Imperial Capital Airport.

Due to his previous special missions on the high seas.

To keep their whereabouts secret.

He didn't tell Long Yubing.

As soon as he returned to the hive, Lu Xingye saw a familiar figure standing at the door of the hive.

Long Yubing's face looked a little tired.

He looked at the intersection and leaned slightly on the wall.

It seems that she has been waiting here for a long time.

"I'm back."

Looking at Long Yubing's appearance, Lu Xingye was a little moved.

Moving his feet lightly, he walked to Long Yubing. For a moment, thousands of words all turned into four words: 'I'm back'.

"Just come back." Long Yubing smiled slightly.

Even though she tried hard to hide her emotions, she still couldn't hide her inner joy.

The smile on her lips gave her away.

"Yeah. Nothing special happened in the hive in the past two months, right?"

"It's nothing special. It's just that my father came here a few times, and every time he said he was looking for you in an emergency."

Your father?

Kyushu Military Headquarters Long Yingtian?

Hearing this, Lu Xingye was slightly startled, and then he roughly knew what was going on.

Long Yingtian came to find him.

There is only one possibility, and that is because of things on the high seas.

Lu Xingye never thought that the matter on the high seas could be hidden from Long Yingtian.

Air cannons and air guns are the iconic weapons of Tunnel Fire Technology. They can be discovered by the other party with just a little investigation.


Lu Xingye had a vague guess that when he was fighting the enemy on the high seas, Kyushu's satellite stayed over him.

Maybe Long Yingtian not only knows his own affairs.

And I’m still watching the live broadcast.

"What does your father want from me?"

"He didn't say anything. He just said that if he sees you coming back, he will ask you to go find him."

"Okay, I know."

Lu Xingye nodded slightly.

It's time for me to go see Long Xingtian.

after all.

He prepared this period of time by sending out drones to explore the gray fog area.

The gray fog area cannot be observed even by Tianyan No.1.

It can be said.

It is the only mystery on Blue Star.

Lu Xingye guessed that there would be a surprising discovery inside. And this discovery will overturn the current peaceful life.


If he wants to send a drone to explore the gray fog area, he must first obtain Long Yingtian's approval.

Then let the other party smooth the relationship.

Allow your drone to take off, cross the airspace of several countries, and finally reach the gray fog area.

174. Lu Xingye gave Tony some guidance on research, and Tony suddenly realized

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