Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 220


"I didn't mean you traveled through time."

"I want to ask, have you ever done any time travel experiment?"

Tony smiled: "Yes."


Tony turned around, walked to an iron door, and pressed one of the buttons with his right hand.

The door slowly rose.

"That's it."

"I used it to conduct three time-travel experiments, all of which were successful. And I am mentally normal."

"I even recorded it!"


"I'll find the video record and show it to you."

Tony turned around and rummaged through the console for something. But Lu Xingye looked straight at the test subject in front of him.


Why are you using monkeys for experiments again?

Tony is really... as smart as himself.

Lu Xingye sighed.

Monkeys are extremely intelligent and somewhat human-like. Using monkeys to conduct such experiments can provide feedback on human conditions to a certain extent.


"This is a video."

"In order to observe the situation after the monkey traveled through time and space, I directly tied the camera to the monkey's head. In this way, I can see the situation after traveling through time and space."



"I'm smart."

There was no time for Tony.

Lu Xingye took the computer mouse and clicked on the video. A video of a monkey traveling through time and space appeared.

This is what I saw in the video.

Crossing location: Imperial Plaza.

Travel time: 12 hours on September 1, 2010.

In midair, a ripple suddenly appeared in the space.

Like water ripples, it spreads out in all directions.

Suddenly a space door appeared. This space door was very small and could only accommodate one person.


A monkey fell from the door of space and fell on all fours.

Because the place we traveled to was the Imperial Capital Square.

Moreover, it is lunch time at 12 noon, so the flow of people at this time is even greater.

Originally, people were going to the mall to eat.

Unexpectedly, I saw the most incredible scene in my life.

I saw a monkey appearing out of thin air and falling from the sky.


"Did you hallucinate?"

"Why did I see a monkey appear in the center of the square, and this monkey also had a camera on its forehead."

"What's happening here?"

"Fantasy incident? Hey, Yaoyao Ling? An adult monkey appeared in the center of the Imperial City Square. The monkey has a vicious look. We are not sure whether it will hurt people. Please come and deal with it quickly."

Lu Xingye didn't have time to see these people shocked.

Pull the video directly and turn the camera.

The camera actually captured the carousel screen in the Shang Business Building next to it, which accurately recorded the time at that time.

Travel time: 12 hours on September 1, 2010.


Perhaps thinking of something, Lu Xingye's eyes suddenly shrank.

If I remember correctly, this business building was demolished in 2011 because the quality was not up to standard.

This building still exists.

This is conclusive proof that monkeys have indeed traveled through time and space.

The space-time machine was really invented.


"Well done."

Lu Xingye couldn't help but give Tony a thumbs up.

With a time machine, it would be even more foolproof to explore the gray fog area by yourself.

Even if there is something unknown inside.

Even if you encounter some kind of disaster or some kind of force majeure, you can restart time and space and start over again.


"This is what I should do."

Tony smiled slightly.

In fact, Tony was very grateful to Lu Xingye.

Because Lu Xingye brought him to the real world, where there are no superheroes or Thanos.

The key is that this is a time of peace and people live and work in peace and contentment.

He doesn't have to worry about any danger coming.

As the saying goes, peace is worth a thousand pieces of gold.

Tony has long regarded Lu Xingye as his parent.

The hive is his home in this world, and Tony must use all his strength to protect this hard-won happiness.


Perhaps Lu Xingye's face suddenly changed as he thought of something.

He suddenly clicked on the browser with his right hand and entered the keywords "Monkey", "Imperial Capital Square", and "Fantasy Event" into the browser.

The Internet has traces.

No matter how long history has passed, as long as something is recorded on the Internet, it will be remembered.

as expected.

As soon as Lu Xingye clicked on search, the Qiandu page came up. The first two pages are about the monkey's appearance in the Imperial Capital Square.

# /Shock! On September 1, 2010, a monkey appeared out of thin air in the Imperial Capital Square with a high-definition camera on its head.

# /Experts refute rumors: This is untrue, please believe in science.

# /Unbelievable, the camera on the monkey’s forehead does not seem to be a product of this era, it is a bit too advanced.

# /Some people speculate that it is a dark research institute that is conducting some kind of non-human experiment.

The previous news was all shocking news, but later the trend of public opinion changed.

Some domestic experts have come out to refute the rumors.

Apparently there is a mysterious big hand behind the scenes, which is changing the direction of public opinion in an attempt to suppress this fantasy incident.

Until today.

People just thought that the monkey appeared in 2010 and listened to it as a rumor.

No one believed it at all.

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