Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 221


Except Lu Xingye.

Because this monkey was the one he released in 2010, and the marks on the monkey are still there. This is unmistakable.

That is to say.

Not only did Tony successfully transport the monkey back to 2010, but he also changed history along the way.


History has been changed.

Although this change was very small, it was enough to sound the alarm for Lu Xingye.

History can be changed.

But do not change history unless necessary, and do not affect the historical process.

Otherwise, it would cause time and space confusion, which would be a bit of a waste.

177. Observe the gray fog area again. Does the gray fog have wisdom? Will it grow?

Lu Xingye studied the time machine for a while.

After getting familiar with the various functions, Tony was asked to study a program that could restart time and space on its own.

When the hive leader loses contact, or the hive is on the verge of destruction.

The time machine will automatically restart time and space.

Go back to three years ago.

Start all over again.

After finishing these things, Lu Xingye left the time machine room.

Turn around and come to the Starlink office.

After two months of development, Suihuo Technology has successively launched 35 satellites into space.

They are Tianyan No. 2, Tianyan No. 3, Tianyan No. 4... Tianyan No. 36.

Suihuo Technology now has 36 satellites operating in space.

Although there is still a long way to go before the 360 ​​Starlink project is completed.

But now the results of the Starlink project have begun to bear fruit.

Lu Xingye stood in the Starlink Laboratory.

In front of the laboratory is a giant panoramic screen like a sky.

The cost of this screen alone is more than 100 million yuan.

But this 100 million yuan is equivalent to the huge Starlink project, which is simply not worth mentioning.

The sky dome screen can be controlled from a distance.

Full of black technology.

The reason why Lu Xingye came here was to use satellites to observe the gray fog area.

Last time he only launched Tianyan-1 and was able to observe an area of ​​gray fog at the Pacific Trench.

Now 36 satellites have been launched, which is thirty-six times more than before in terms of quantity alone.

So what can Starlink satellites observe now?

Lu Xingye was looking forward to it.

With a slight slide of his right hand towards the void, Sky Dome transmitted the signal to the 36 Sky Eye satellites as if it had received some instruction.

Immediately afterwards.

The Sky Eye satellite will be fully powered on.

Monitor the Blue Star.

Some invisible and intangible quantum particles spread out from the satellite and then returned to the satellite.


A high-definition observation image is formed on the sky dome.

Lu Xingye glanced at the satellite images twice, then turned off the quantum remote sensing monitoring technology and replaced it with ordinary remote sensing technology.

This results in a new satellite image.

One is a quantum image.

The other one is a normal image.

Lu Xingye used these two images to compare them and see what the differences were.


What he observed were satellite images obtained by ordinary remote sensing technology.

The image is unremarkable.

Everything on Blue Star is shown on the star map, there is nothing special about it.

It's as if humans already know all the secrets of Blue Star.


Lu Xingye knew that everything he saw now was an illusion.

If we look at quantum satellite images, there is an unknown gray fog area deep in the Pacific Ocean.

I just don’t know why, but it can’t be observed using ordinary remote sensing methods.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye unfolded the quantum satellite image again, and the first thing that caught his eye was the gray fog area deep in the Pacific Ocean.

Um. ?


If I remember correctly, the last time I used Sky Eye-1 to observe the gray fog area, the gray fog area was only about 10,000 square meters.

Why is it so much bigger now?

Lu Xingye used satellite measurements and found that the gray fog area deep in the Pacific Ocean had expanded at least ten times.

Previously it was only about 10,000 square meters.

Now the gray fog area has expanded to 100,000 square meters.

In just two months, the gray fog area has expanded tenfold. Is this normal?

This is not normal.

Very abnormal.

What exactly is the gray fog area?

Lu Xingye's eyes narrowed, and a deep fear flashed through his heart.

The unknown is the scariest thing.


Lu Xingye is the first person in the world to discover the gray fog area.

what should I do?

What can I do?

What should I do?

What exactly is the gray fog area?

Lu Xingye launched three soul tortures in his heart.

Will the gray fog area be announced to the world? Be humanity’s first whistleblower?

Or should you just tell Long Xingtian?


Lu Xingye was silent for a moment and decided to reveal the matter to Long Yingtian when the drone was tested.

And invite the other party to explore the gray fog area with him.

Although he felt that this would not be of much use.

Because at Blue Star's current level, it is not even possible to observe the gray fog area.

If there are other civilizations hidden in the gray fog area.

Do you think Blue Star can have the power to attack effectively?

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