Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 222

Lu Xingye expressed great doubts.

Although Lu Xingye knew that even if he told Long Yingtian about the gray fog area, it would be of little use.


He can't always do nothing.

If the gray fog area is really another civilization.

Then if he discovered other civilizations and didn't tell mankind, wouldn't he be a sinner of mankind?

Lu Xingye thought again and again.

It was decided to reveal the gray fog area to Long Yingtian.

As for whether the other party believes it or not, that has nothing to do with him.

Lu Xingye looked around at the satellite images and found nothing else.

He was trying to turn off satellite imagery.

Suddenly his pupils shrank.

There was a flash of incredible fear in his eyes.

I saw such gray fog areas also appearing in the depths of the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.


The fog areas in these two places are twice as large as the fog areas in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

the most important is.

The gray fog areas in these two places are actually camouflaged.


You heard that right.

Gray fog areas in the Atlantic and Arctic oceans can camouflage.

The gray fog areas in these two places used some unknown technology to disguise themselves as the color of the sea.

The gray itself becomes very light...

Basically invisible.

If it weren't for the two remote sensing images being compared, Lu Xingye wouldn't have noticed it.

Can this be understood to mean that the gray fog area has intelligence?


To be precise, the creatures in the gray fog area should be intelligent.


The intelligence is not weaker than that of humans.

Although Lu Xingye doesn't know what is in the gray fog area for the time being? I don’t know what the gray fog area is.

But there was one thing he was sure of.

——In the gray fog area, there are highly intelligent creatures with IQs not weaker than humans.

The situation is getting more complicated.

Through observation, Lu Xingye found that the area covered by gray fog deep in the Arctic Ocean was the largest, covering about 300,000 square meters.

The second is the gray fog area deep in the Atlantic Ocean, which is about 200,000 square meters.

Finally, there is the gray fog area deep in the Pacific Ocean, which is about 100,000 square meters.

Lu Xingye guessed that the largest gray fog area should be the origin.

The other two gray fog areas are the second and third bases of other civilizations.

Big trouble.

Lu Xingye murmured in his heart.

After observing for a while and confirming that there were no other gray fog areas, he left the Starlink Laboratory.


He came to Tony's laboratory and brought the newly developed drone.

Together with Jarvis, he took a special plane and rushed to the military area where Long Yingtian was located.

178. Drone test, soaring to an altitude of 10,000 meters

About half an hour later.

Lu Xingye's special plane landed deep in a certain mountain.

This is Long Yingtian's military base.

Outside there are beautiful mountains and clear waters, deep mountains and old forests. No one would have thought that the mountains here have been hollowed out.

Inside is the strongest defense base in mankind - Base 404.

It was heavily guarded inside.

Not only do they have highly lethal weapons, but they also have very strong ultra-long-distance strike power.

Next to the 404 Base is the 404 Arsenal.

404 Arsenal is also one of the strongest arsenals in Kyushu today.

Lu Xingye has been authorized many times.

Finally we arrived at the door of a house full of green camouflage.

Long Yingtian and his deputy stood at the door.

Seeing Lu Xingye and Jarvis walking over, he couldn't help but smile.


It seemed to be welcoming Lu Xingye's arrival.

"Classmate Lu, welcome to your arrival."

Long Yingtian smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand and shook it tightly with Lu Xingye.

Then, he let go again.

"Old acquaintance."

"Let's not use these polite words between us."

Last time, robots, air cannons, air guns... these three types of weapons were unveiled.

Because these three weapons are too powerful.

It actually directly triggered military reform.

Now the soldiers in the 404 base are no longer equipped with rifles, rocket launchers, and grenades.

But robots, air cannons, air guns...

This series of ultra-modern weapons.

Fortunately, Long Yingtian did a good job of keeping things confidential.

If other forces knew about it, they would probably criticize Kyushu as a threat again...


Because other forces are still in the age of rifles...

Kyushu has entered the era of all-military robots and air cannons.

In the military field, leading the world is no small feat.

That's exactly what it is.

Long Yingcai turned a blind eye to what happened to Lu Xingye on the high seas.

Lu Xingye is Jiuzhou's treasure.

Give him some tolerance.

Otherwise, why not push the other party to other organizations?

In fact, we have reached this point now.

Long Yingtian also vaguely knew that Lu Xingye's main development direction was interstellar, which had no conflict with him.


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