Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 227

Lu Xingye sighed softly, pretending not to believe what the other party said.

His expression was a little disappointed.


He continued to speak:

"So can we move on to the next test?"

"Okay." Long Yingtian nodded.

"It must be possible. I can't wait." Academician Huang nodded.


With the consent of both of them, Lu Xingye gestured to Jarvis to start preparing for the second test.

The other side began to explain unhurriedly:

"Test Two: Speed ​​Test."

"The test content is also very simple, just test one speed."

"Testing the ultimate speed of the drone."

When Academician Huang heard this, he patted his chest and said with some fear:

"Classmate Lu."

“Can you first reveal what the maximum speed the drone can reach?”

"I'm afraid the drone you made flies too fast."

"My little sweetheart won't be able to handle it."

Academician Huang looked at Lu Xingye seriously, and it didn't look like he was joking.


"Student Lu, please reveal it first so that we can be mentally prepared."

At this time, Long Yingtian stretched his head over and interjected.

181. The ultimate defense method for drones: energy shield

Hearing this, Lu Xingye smiled faintly.

"Originally, it's not convenient for me to spoil the story."

"After all, when it comes to drone testing, the most important thing is the testing process. If we tell you the results of the test in advance, what's the point of testing?"

"But since you strongly request it, I will tell you the test results."

"Then I'll probably give you a thorough look."

"Wait..." Just when Lu Xingye was about to speak, Academician Huang suddenly stopped him.


Lu Xingye looked at the other party in confusion.

When Academician Huang heard this, he said nothing.

Instead, lower your head first and take two slow, deep breaths.

Judging from the other party's appearance, Xu was afraid that the test results mentioned by Lu Xingye were too shocking, so they had to take two deep breaths to prepare themselves mentally.


Academician Huang turned his head and looked at Lu Xingye.


"You can say it now."

Lu Xingye didn't mind either, and then he spoke slowly.

"Isn't the maximum flying speed of a fighter jet Mach 3?"

"The ultimate flight speed of the drone I built is much faster than this."

"You can just take a guess."


The ultimate flight speed of a drone is faster than a fighter jet?

Oh my God!

This doesn’t allow anyone to live!

Classmate Lu, Classmate Lu.

Do you know how good the drone you designed is?

If your drone is known to the Air Force.

They will definitely fight for it.

Fuck you.

It doesn’t matter if you develop drones, the key is that the drones you develop also take away the jobs of air force fighter pilots.

How fucking outrageous!

This seemed like a long time, but it was actually just a moment.

Wait until they are mentally prepared.

On the other side, Jarvis's drone's ultimate flight speed test also officially began.

Jarvis was seen moving one of the joysticks used to control the drone to the front.

This joystick is the joystick that controls the flight speed of the drone.

He pushed the lever all the way forward.

That is to increase the acceleration of the drone to the maximum.

Under the influence of huge acceleration, the flying speed of the drone will become faster and faster.

Until the flight resistance is equal to its own thrust.

The drone has maximum speed.

This is the ultimate flight speed of the drone.


Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

As Jarvis moved the control stick to the front, the drone on the radar screen disappeared with a whoosh.


To be precise, the drones did not disappear.

Instead, the drone disappeared from radar.

In other words, the drone is beyond the detection range of the radar.

"How can this be?"

"How can a drone be so fast?"

"How did the drone escape radar tracking so quickly?"

"This is something that has never happened before in history."

"It's a record."

Long Yingtian was filled with shock.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Lu Xingye.

Long Yingtian looked at the other party, with a flash of deep fear in his heart.

How does Mr. Lu’s head grow?

How could such a strategic weapon be developed?

Fortunately, Mr. Lu is from Kyushu.

The stronger Lu Xingye is, the stronger Kyushu will be.


Lu Xingye has moved up another level in the list of important personnel in Long Yingtian's mysterious department.

This is the kind of person that you have to protect even if you risk your life.

Test results came out quickly.

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