Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 228

There were no surprises.

Drones fly much faster than fighter jets.

The maximum flight speed of a fighter jet is Mach 3, while the maximum flight speed of the drone manufactured by Lu Xingye reaches Mach 10.

Mach ten?

What is the concept of Mach 10?

Mach 1 is twice the speed of sound, and Mach 10 is ten times the speed of sound.

The propagation speed of sound is 340 meters/second.

That means it travels 340 meters in one second.


Mach ten is ten times the speed of sound.

That is, the drone flies 3,400 meters in one second.

This speed is terrifying.

Long Yingtian and Academician Huang struggled for a long time before they could barely accept the test results.



When they thought that the drone was made by the monster Lu Xingye, they didn't find it strange at all.


Lu Xingye didn't give them much time to adapt to the new weapons.

The reason why he came to Long Yingtian to test the drone.

I want to get permission to use a drone to explore the gray fog area.

I didn’t come here to talk about feelings with Long Yingtian.

They are not here to sell arms to the other party.

Of course~

If we can sell a batch of drones by the way,

It is also a good choice for "one" to obtain a large number of military orders.

"Mr. Long."

"Next, I will conduct a new round of tests on the drone."

"This test is the test I take most seriously."

"Yes, I think my appearance is my best feature."

Lu Xingye spoke slowly.


He hasn't finished yet.

Long Yingtian interrupted his conversation eagerly.

"Student Lu, just tell me what the test is."

"I can't wait now."

"I want to own a future drone right away."


Lu Xingye coughed dryly.

"Mr. Long."

"Don't rush."

"Listen to me first."

"This test requires the cooperation of your military to complete."

Do you need our cooperation?

Long Yingtian was stunned for a moment, with a confused look on his face.


Lu Xingye nodded.

Then, he smiled again and said:

"This test is to test the defense strength of the drone."

"At the beginning of the design of the drone, I worked hard on the defense of the drone."


"I can say this with great confidence:"

“The defense section of this drone is what I’m most proud of.”

Okay, okay.

Monster Lu, please quickly collect your magical powers.

Long Yingtian was obviously not very interested in Lu Xingye's words.

Now he just wants to complete the test as soon as possible, then buy the drone and show it off to the Air Force.

“How to test???”

"No matter how much cooperation you need from our military, we will fully cooperate with you."

Lu Xingye paused.

"It's very simple."

"Take out your special operations team's strongest anti-aircraft weapon and conduct blanket bombing on the drones."

Hearing this, Long Yingtian was completely stunned for two seconds.

What the hell?

Is this a defensive test?

How can anyone test defensively like you?

The most powerful anti-aircraft weapon? Cover bombing?

If coverage bombing is used, Long Yingtian is confident of knocking down an aircraft carrier, let alone a drone.

This request is really outrageous.

Originally, Long Yingtian was not prepared for Lu Xingye's outrageous request.

At this time, Lu Xingye's seductive voice came over.

"Mr. Long, how about we make a bet?"

"If you make a bet, you can beat me. I will provide strategic drones like this to your special department for free."

182. Bet? I let the drone hover in the sky and let you hit it as you like

When Long Yingtian heard this, his eyes lit up.

Give our Army free supply of drones?

That's great.

Long Yingtian didn't know how much the drone cost.

He thought that this kind of drone full of black technology would cost at least tens or hundreds of billions.

If I could win the bet with Lu Xingye.

That can save a lot of money.

It was impossible for Long Yingtian not to agree to this tempting bet.


Now the Army reserves ammunition.

Coupled with the fact that Suihuo Technology has developed air guns, air cannons, and electromagnetic nether energy cannons... these ancient weapons are basically on the verge of being eliminated.

Now I agree to Lu Xingye's bet, which will clear my inventory.

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