Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 233


Long Yingtian subconsciously thought that Lu Xingye was preparing to explore deep space.


Lu Xingye shook his head and then said:

"I'm going to explore a certain gray fog area on Blue Star."

"It's full of unknowns for humans there."


"I'll report it to you."

"Grey fog area? Tell me in detail." Long Yingtian felt that things were not that simple after hearing this.

Is there such a gray fog area on Blue Star?

Is it completely unknown territory for humans?

Where can there be such a place in Blue Star?

If anyone else had said such words, Long Yingtian would have laughed it off, but the person speaking now was Lu Xingye, a world-famous arms tycoon.

And the other party invented quite a few satellites.

In terms of satellite monitoring, perhaps Suihuo Technology is no longer weaker than Kyushu.

185. Drones dropped elephants, and mysterious things appeared in the gray fog area.

Lu Xingye casually opened the bracelet on his left hand and operated it twice. A ray of light was projected from the watch.

Obviously high-tech - virtual projection.

After this period of development.

Suihuo Technology has compressed the virtual projection technology and made it the size of a watch.

Now every employee of Suihuo Technology has a Suihuo watch.


Currently, this product is only used by internal employees of Suihuo Technology.

It is still in the testing phase and has not been officially launched on the market.

"Mr. Long."

"Compare the differences between these two satellite images."

Lu Xingye used virtual projection technology to project quantum remote sensing satellite images and ordinary satellite remote sensing images in front of Long Yingtian.

Long Yingtian is a military general.

Although he is not a rough person, he still cannot understand such profound things as satellite images.

It's okay to ask him to identify two place names on the satellite map.

Ask him to compare the differences between the two satellite images. Isn't this embarrassing for him?

Long Yingtian took a look twice, and saw that it was densely packed and colorful, and his eyes were in a daze.


I can't understand it at all!


Long Yingtian remained calm.

With his right hand, he held Academician Huang who was standing next to him.

He pulled the other person in front of him with a very calm expression and did not show any embarrassment.

"Academician Huang."

"Take a look at these two satellite images and see what's different in them."

Academician Huang's specialty is the development of weapons.

He doesn’t know much about things like satellite images, but at least he is a master of science.

Comparing the two satellite images is easy.

After Academician Huang took a look at it, he nodded from time to time, and he had a clear idea in a moment.

Place your right hand on the quantum satellite map very quickly.

"There are three more gray areas on this satellite map. They must be the gray fog areas that Student Lu mentioned."

"That's right." Lu Xingye nodded slightly and couldn't help but give Academician Huang a thumbs up.

He is truly worthy of being an academician.

A figure who is like a national treasure.

In just a few seconds, you can see through the mystery between the two satellite maps.


The three gray fog areas were all found by Academician Huang.

Generally speaking, even people who are very familiar with satellite maps can only find one difference.

That is to find the gray fog area deep in the Pacific Ocean.

As for the gray fog areas deep in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, they developed too early. Now they have learned to camouflage them, and ordinary people cannot detect these two gray fog areas.


Even so, it was still discovered by Academician Huang.

This is really...

Lu Xingye didn't know how to describe it.

He remembered that he had been searching for a long time but could not find the gray fog areas in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.

Finally I discovered it by accident!


"What does this mean?" Academician Huang asked puzzledly.

Hearing this, Lu Xingye was silent for a moment, perhaps thinking about how to speak.


Finally organized the language.

"Academician Huang."

"If you look at these two satellite images alone, you may not be able to see much, but if you look at these satellite images together."

After saying that.

Lu Xingye waved his right hand, and three more satellite images appeared in the void.

These three satellite images were captured and preserved by Tianyan-1 in its earlier observations.

The above clearly records the growth and expansion stages of the gray fog area in the deep Pacific Ocean.

as expected.

After taking a few glances at the satellite images, Academician Huang.

His eyes shrank, revealing the fear that Lu Xingye had when he first discovered this secret.

"Is this thing intelligent?"

"Will it still grow?"

There was a bit of horror in the voice.


"Are you smart? Can you grow? What the hell is this?"

Immediately afterwards, Long Yingtian's scream came.

"have no idea."

"No one knows what is going on in the gray fog area."


"I just invented the drone and am ready to explore the gray fog area."

"Is it the intelligent life form of other civilizations?" Long Yingtian asked suddenly.

There was a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

He is not an indecisive person.

He still remembers the laws of the dark jungle between civilizations.

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