Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 234

Two civilizations meet.

Either you die or I die.

Now that Kyushu has taken the lead in discovering the gray fog civilization, this is an opportunity.

Long Yingtian now had the urge to immediately lead his troops and push across the gray fog area.

"not worth it."

Lu Xingye shook his head.

Then, he added: "Although I can't give you a definite answer, I guess that there must be an intelligent life stationed in the gray fog area."


"That's why I will apply to you to explore the gray fog area."

"That's right."

"Student Lu, I now give you permission to explore the gray fog area deep in the Pacific Ocean."

"But I have a condition."

Long Yingtian agreed directly without thinking.

If he were to attack fellow humans, he might need to think about it, but those in the gray fog area were aliens.

It's a foreign race.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Moreover...the gray fog area is growing and expanding, and is swallowing up the blue star we depend on for survival.

This is something Long Yingtian will never allow.


Without thinking, he agreed directly.

"What are the conditions?"

"Any clues and information you get from exploring the gray fog area must be shared with Jiuzhou. And our mysterious organization will also send people to participate in the exploration." Long Yingtian answered silently.

Hearing this, Lu Xingye smiled faintly:

"Of course that's no problem."

"You Kyushu want to participate."

"I raise my hands and feet in approval."

He originally thought that obtaining Long Yingtian's authorization would be a difficult task, but he didn't expect that it would be so easy.

"Classmate Lu."

"Then how are you going to explore the gray fog area?"

Lu Xingye knew that Long Yingtian's question was casual on the surface, but in fact he was asking about his exploration plan.

Lu Xingye was also unambiguous and directly stated the exploration plan.

"We know nothing about the gray fog area."


"I can't talk about any exploration plans."

"The initial idea is this:"

"The first step: let my drone fly into the gray fog area to see if I can photograph the situation inside."

"The second step: put some animals in and see the reaction in the gray fog area. For example: use a drone to transport an elephant there."

"In short:"

"We will go in with the strongest force and focus on investigation. We will communicate with the gray fog area on an equal footing."

“It’s all about being friendly.”

"But we will never give up using force to push back."

"That's very good." Long Yingtian murmured and couldn't help but give Lu Xingye a thumbs up.

Although Lu Xingye was a recent graduate.

But it should be ruthless.

It's bad that it should be bad.

There is absolutely no ambiguity in dealing with outsiders.

This is very much to Long Yingtian's liking.

186. The Pioneer is about to fly into the gray fog area, and the Sky Eye satellites gather

It all went well.

After explaining it clearly to Long Yingtian, Lu Xingye successfully obtained the flight authorization for the corresponding airspace.

It will then be legal to fly drones into the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

Although with the excellent performance of drones, they can fly into the depths of the Pacific Ocean even without authorization.

Even if others discover it, they can't do anything to the drone at an altitude of 100,000 meters.

However, you can still avoid certain troubles by obtaining authorization.

The drone manufactured by Lu Xingye also received unanimous approval from Long Yingtian and was named: Pioneer.

That’s why it was named Pioneer.

It was named to commemorate the first group of people to explore the gray fog area.

Lu Xingye decided to explore the gray fog area in three days.

Long Yingtian said yes and sent a mysterious fleet to pass.

This fleet is dominated by battleships.

The battleships are all equipped with humanity's most advanced exploration tools to date, as well as highly lethal weapons.

The fleet is composed of ten warships.


Thousands of meters below the sea, there are two deep-sea submarines escorting them.

As for the Air Force.

Long Yingtian didn't have any more equipment.

Because of the Pioneer drone, their department's drone was too shameless to take out.


In the joint operation between Lu Xingye and Long Yingtian, the division of labor was very clear.

Long Yingtian is responsible for exploration at sea and under the sea.

Lu Xingye's Pioneer drone is responsible for airspace exploration.

Late at night on the third day.

Lu Xingye joined forces with Long Yingtian's fleet and set off from the Pacific coast.

This secret operation.

attracted global attention.

Although Long Yingtian has explained many times that this is an exercise, other forces are still rampant and spread the theory of Kyushu Weixie everywhere.

At Long Yingtian's strong request.

Lu Xingye parked the drone on the warship and waited until it was close to the gray fog area before taking off.

Because ~

The Pioneer drone serves as a secret weapon for exploration.

No matter from the perspective of other organizational forces or the intelligent life in the gray fog area, it is not suitable for exposure.

Lu Xingye did not stay at Long Yingtian's headquarters.


Return to hive headquarters.

This is his technological core, with Tony, Jarvis... and a bunch of other scientist assistants.

it's here.

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