Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 237

But at least get to know the other person first.

To put it another way:

If the technology in the gray fog area is really as strong as Tony said, then why doesn't the opponent attack Blue Star?

Instead, they grow up in the vast sea.

In this case.

Doesn't that mean that they don't dare to attack Blue Star, or that Blue Star has something they are afraid of.

Or to put it another way: They can’t defeat human civilization.

That being the case.

Then why didn't Lu Xingye explore earlier and eliminate this hidden danger for mankind?

At this time.

Tony's voice came again.

"Boss, do we still need to continue exploring?"

"If we retreat, we can abandon those warships at any time and control drones to fly back from the deep sea."

188. Mongolian yurts and laser weapons appeared in the gray fog area

"Keep exploring."

Lu Xingye spoke coldly.

Hearing Lu Xingye's voice, Tony directly carried out Lu Xingye's order without any hesitation.

They were completely loyal to Lu Xingye, even if Lu Xingye asked them to die.

They will also execute without hesitation.

at this time.

Things suddenly changed.

On the monitoring screen, the warships that had lost contact were seen deviating from their original routes and sailing towards a small island.

"what happened?"

"The course has deviated."

"Mr. Long, I don't think we are concerned about the route deviation now. The main thing now is how to re-communicate with the warship." The deputy said next to him.

At this time.

There was a sudden exclamation.

"The warship is accelerating."

"Accelerate and hit the island."

"We are now moving forward at full speed. According to the current situation, we will collide with the island in less than three minutes."

"what happened?"

Seeing the warships keep crashing into the island, Long Yingtian's expression changed.

"The warship is out of control."

"Now it is being shrouded by unknown forces and crashing towards the island."

Everyone in the command center became nervous.

These are dozens of warships. If dozens of warships crash at once, they will also have unshirkable responsibility.

"Can I regain control of the warship?"

"Reporting to you, sir. We can't even communicate with the warship, let alone control it."

"Does that mean there's nothing we can do?" Long Yingtian's heart sank.

You are so unlucky!

Just when I was about to explore the gray fog area, such an accident happened.

No one knows... A commander was heartbroken when he watched his warship crash into the island.

But soon.

Long Yingtian only felt heartache for a second before he adjusted his mood.

He patted the microphone with his hand and immediately spoke to Lu Xingye:

"Classmate Lu."

"Our warship is completely out of control. Let your drones take off collectively."


"The task of exploring the gray fog area will be left to you."

Long Yingtian spoke helplessly.

There was a bit of sadness in the voice.

"no problem."

"No matter what is in the gray fog area, I will definitely explore it."

"If other civilizations live inside, I will definitely make them pay with blood."

Lu Xingye spoke coldly.

After saying that.

Lu Xingye operated on the central control screen, and the ten drones instantly took off.

The moment the drone rose, the energy shield had been opened.

The drone is suspended in mid-air.

The blue light is constantly shining and looks quite beautiful.

Full of technological beauty.

at the same time.

That was more than a dozen warships, also crashing into the island.


The collision between the warship and the island made a huge noise, and the entire sea was shaken by these sounds.

Immediately afterwards.

The warship made another huge explosion.

Ten brilliant fireworks formed on the coast.

In mid-air, 10 drones perfectly recorded this scene.

The drone nodded slightly at the ten warships.

Perhaps they were paying attention, and perhaps they were seeing off the soldiers who were about to leave.

There was about 60 seconds of silence.

Lu Xingye controlled the drone and continued flying.

The drone flew slowly through the air and flew to the gray fog area according to the established route.

The speed is neither urgent nor slow.

Five nautical miles.

Four nautical miles...

Three nautical miles...

Two nautical miles...

When we are 2 kilometers away from the gray fog area, people can clearly see the landforms in the gray fog area through the surveillance video captured by the drone.

The landscape is uneven.

It is a whole gray area standing on the sea.

"Oh my God!"

"What the hell is that?"

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