Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 238

"How can there be buildings on the sea? Is this a building? Or is it a mirage?"

Everyone looked ahead intently.

All kinds of incredible thoughts flashed through my heart.

I saw a row of gray buildings suspended on the sea. The gray buildings were in the shape of a bunker, a bit like a yurt.

Suspended on the sea, it looks incredible.

This is unbelievable.

The water at the bottom of the sea is still flowing, but the buildings above are completely motionless.

I don’t know what the principle is.

It is still some distance away from the gray fog area. People can't see it clearly, but they vaguely know that it looks like a building.

"Classmate Lu."

“What is that yurt in the ocean?”

"How about you try to attack?"

Long Yingtian looked at the yurt and spoke calmly.

After listening to Long Yingtian's words, Lu Xingye hesitated for a moment.

Now it seems that the yurt inside is obviously the hiding place of Gray Mist Civilization. If they attack rashly now, they may directly anger Gray Mist Civilization.

But if you don't attack.

There is absolutely no way it can be resolved peacefully.

Because Gray Mist Civilization has already taken the first step.

Don’t forget, those dozens of warships were sunk by the Gray Fog Civilization.

"Air cannon ready."


Lu Xingye gave the order coldly.

The barrel of a gun makes sense.

Don’t think too much, just do it.

It's not his style to be cautious.


The Gray Mist Civilization's attack arrived before him.

I saw ten bright lights suddenly appearing in the yurt. The bright lights formed a beam of light at a very fast speed.

It only takes zero point zero zero one second.

The drone was hit.

No one among the ten drones survived, and they were all hit by the white light and crashed.

"Is this...this?"

"Is this a laser weapon?"

Academician Huang exclaimed, a deep fear flashing through his heart.

If Cha had only suspected that there was intelligent life in the gray fog area before, it was now confirmed.

This laser weapon is anything but natural.

"laser weapon."

Lu Xingye's eyes also flashed.

He is the maker of the Pioneer drone and knows the performance of drones best.

On Blue Star, there is absolutely no weapon that can hit a drone.

Even if you are unfortunately hit,

There is also an energy shield inside the drone, which can block most attacks.

As long as the enemy's attack energy does not exceed the load of the Ark Reactor, the opponent's attack will be ineffective.

Although the flying speed of the drone is very fast, reaching the terrifying Mach 10, it can evade most missile attacks.


This does not include laser weapons.


There is nothing wrong with drones being hit by laser weapons.

So the question is, why can a laser weapon destroy the energy shield with one strike?

Lu Xingye couldn't figure it out.

The Ark reactor mounted on the drone already has a considerable amount of nuclear energy.

Logically speaking.

Laser weapons cannot penetrate energy shields.

But in fact it was broken.


Lu Xingye was silent for a moment, then suddenly turned around and looked at Tony.


"What do you think of the opponent's laser weapons?"

"Can the laser weapon we produce penetrate the energy shield?"

189. Release elephants in no-man’s land, plan B failed

Tony was silent for a moment.

The eyes kept moving, maybe thinking about something.

After a while.

He suddenly shook his head.


"Let's tell the truth."

"The gray fog civilization's laser weapons surpass us by far."

"Their laser weapons can't do it no matter what, this is the point."

"Everyone knows it."

"Laser weapons are weapons that use high-energy lasers to accurately shoot at long-distance targets or to defend against missiles. They are divided into two categories: tactical laser weapons and strategic laser weapons."

"Once a high-energy beam is emitted, it will attenuate with distance. It can be said that the farther the laser attack distance, the lower the energy."

"At such a long distance, our laser weapons cannot achieve such high energy anyway."


"We cannot currently synthesize laser beams in the gray fog civilization. We can emit lasers, but we cannot form laser beams."

"The gap is about ten years."

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment after hearing this.

A gap of more than ten years?

This is really not that big.

"Classmate Lu."

"Did you see it?"

"Laser weapons... Gray fog civilization actually has laser weapons?"

"All our equipment was destroyed."

"Special code."

"This is provocation."

"I can't bear it anymore."

"Oh shit."

Long Yingtian spoke fiercely into the phone.

Although he had a bad taste in his mouth, he could still see the difference between himself and himself from the corner of the gray mist script.

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