Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 242


Gray Mist Civilization is free to make decisions on its own.


I'm really smart.

Is this considered a stuck bug?


It turns out that Gold Finger can still be used in this way.

It's so beautiful.

After arranging the filming work, Lu Xingye suddenly felt dizzy in his mind.

He shook his head.

The sleepiness in my mind lingered no matter what.

Are you feeling drunk?

Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment.

In addition to Jiu Jin, there is also a primitive impulse in Lu Xingye's disappearance.

Give him some cliffhangers.


"You must not drink alcohol next time."

"Drinking makes things worse!"

Lu Xingye made a sound in his heart as he stumbled towards his bedroom.

Talk about it.

This is also quite accidental.

When Lu Xingye passed by Zhao Yinyun's laboratory.

The other party just walked out, looked at Lu Xingye with his big red phoenix eyes, and his body froze for a second.

Immediately, a flash of worry flashed through my heart.

Zhao Yinyun quickly changed out of her experimental suit and put on a set of loose home clothes.

The only thing missing from this set is the light blue tolerant pajamas.

Actually, it's not quite accurate to say it's pajamas.

Because this blue dress, although it is very comfortable to wear, is also a little bit provocative.

But it's not really pajamas.

Zhao Yinyun walked in front of Lu Xingye with a concerned face, stretched out a delicate hand, and supported him.

"starry night."

"What's wrong with you?"

As soon as Zhao Yinyun finished speaking, a strong smell of alcohol came from her nose.

The Tao is huge.

A bit gun nosed.

Zhao Yinyun didn't like the smell very much, so she covered her nose with her right hand and frowned.

"Why are you drinking? And you drank so much."

"Do you know that drinking like this is very harmful to your health?"

"You are not allowed to drink so much again."

"Do you know?"

"I didn't drink much. Just one drink." Lu Xingye said vaguely.

His mind was foggy.

Under the greatest influence of alcohol, his consciousness was somewhat blurred.

While he was dazed, he suddenly felt something warm approaching him and couldn't help but stretch out his right hand.

Hold each other gently.

That hot mouth can't help but move towards the other person.

Sniffing the other person's scent greedily.

"starry night."

"do not do that."

"starry night."

"……you're drunk."


Zhao Yinyun's face turned red. She had never experienced such a gesture before.

Even though she is usually very strong, she is just an inexperienced girl who is very unfamiliar with this kind of thing between men and women.

Although Zhao Yinyun also has a good impression of Lu Xingye.

He even thought about giving his body to the other person.

But not now.

Lu Xingye was drunk now.

Zhao Yinyun felt that she could never do it, so she just handed her body to the other party in a daze.

Therefore, push the other person away with force.

"starry night."

"you're drunk."

After Zhao Yinyun said again.

Immediately, he stretched out his slender hand and pressed twice on the other party's body.

That's a special part of the body.

It can stimulate the potential of all parts of the body and improve blood circulation.

It has the effect of relieving hangover.

Really worthy of being a doctor of medicine.

Zhao Yinyun Qingsong fiddled with Lu Xingye twice before making him unable to move any more.


Zhao Yinyun helped Lu Xingye back to the bedroom.

He took out hangover medicine from the drawer, took out a syringe, and injected it into the vein of Lu Xingye's arm.

It seemed like 3 minutes had passed.

Lu Xingye woke up faintly.

Lu Xingye stretched out his right hand and wiped his eyes.

He felt as if he had slept for a while and then fell asleep. He didn't know what happened for a while.

Look at the beauty so close in front of you.

Lu Xingye's breathing became a little rapid.


"Why am I here?"

"Why are you here?"

When Zhao Yinyun heard this, she smiled.

"Why are you so shy now?"

"Weren't you very brave just now? You were drunk and you kept getting close to your sister."


Lu Xingye was silent for a moment.

It took a moment to remember what happened, and there was a hint of comfort on his face.

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