Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 243

"I didn't say anything random when I was drunk just now, right?"

"Yes." Zhao Yinyun smiled slightly, with a cunning light in his eyes.

"What did I say?"

Lu Xingye felt nervous inside, fearing that he had said some secret, or that he had said something that he shouldn't have said.

192. Zhao Yinyun successfully developed a complete version of the elixir of longevity, providing longevity and long-term vision.

"you said so……"

"You said you like a girl."

Zhao Yinyun smiled slyly and looked a little smug at Lu Xingye.

"Don't you mean to say:"

"I told you, the girl I like is you."

Lu Xingye smacked his mouth and looked at the other party with contempt.

With his IQ, he still doesn't understand. This is Zhao Yinyun making fun of himself.

"That's what you said."

"I didn't say that."


I couldn't help but want to laugh.


Couldn't help it anymore.


Fine! …

Lu Xingye put his hands on the bed and climbed up from the bed with a little effort.

In fact, his body didn't need hangover medicine at all.

It won't take long for you to wake up on your own.

"Do you have anything else? If nothing else, I'm going to rest."

Lu Xingye rubbed his temples. Although he had sobered up, his mind was still a little sleepy.

Now I feel like taking a rest.


"You are so heartless!"

"I just helped you sober up. It was a life-saving grace! But... it turned out that you... you just didn't repay me, but you just kicked me out."

"No mercy at all."

Perhaps it was a girl's nature to act coquettishly, Zhao Yinyun's eyes instantly turned red, and two drops of tears kept rolling in her eyes.

Looks pitiful.

He seemed to start crying immediately.

How can I bear this?

Although Lu Xingye has a relatively cold personality, he can't stand it.


This does not mean.

Lu Xingye was helpless against the other party.

"Then you can stay here peacefully."

"I'll go to the other room to rest."

"No!" Zhao Yinyun grabbed Lu Xingye's arm and said coquettishly.


Then he took the initiative to speak:

"Then let me stay for a few more minutes."

"I have good news for you."

"What good news?" Hearing this, Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment, and began to think about what the other party was talking about.

The other party is a hospital expert, and the good things he said can only be related to medicine.

Could it be about the elixir of life?

as expected.

Just as Lu Xingye guessed the news, the other party's voice came over faintly.

"It's about the elixir of life."

"starry night."

"I've done what you asked me to do."

"The elixir of longevity has been successfully developed. This elixir of life has no harmful effects. You only need to take one pill and you will be able to see for a long time."

"Is it the full version of the elixir of longevity?" Lu Xingye suppressed the excitement in his heart.

But I was smiling inside.

You must know that this is the complete version of the elixir of longevity!

Having the elixir of life is equivalent to having a ticket to eternal life.

From now on.

Lu Xingye could speak loudly, he was an immortal.

As long as you don't get killed by the enemy.

You will be able to share the same hatred with heaven and earth.


Zhao Yinyun smiled triumphantly and unconsciously walked around Lu Xingye with her feet. It looks like a child who has achieved something outside and comes back to show off to his parents.

"How's it going? I'm awesome!"

Zhao Yinyun looked like you are about to praise me.


"It's not so powerful."

Lu Xingye smiled and spoke.

"Then you will take me to see the finished product of the elixir now?"


Zhao Yinyun nodded.


Lu Xingye followed Zhao Yinyun and walked to the biochemical laboratory together.

Lu Xingye couldn't wait any longer.

This is a longevity medicine!

Something that I have always dreamed of.

Qin Shihuang once sent alchemists to search for the elixir of immortality. However, due to the understanding of technology at that time, there was no real elixir of immortality at that time.


Now this longevity medicine is right in front of him.

What Qin Shihuang could only dream of, he now had at his fingertips.

It has to be said that fate plays tricks on people.

After passing through several protective walls and biological detection equipment.

Lu Xingye came to Zhao Yinyun's biochemical laboratory.

In the laboratory.

It looks spotless. In addition to the experimental equipment I purchased for Zhao Yinyun before, there are many other new experimental equipment here.


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