Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 244

During the period when Lu Xingye was away.

Zhao Yinyun has upgraded the biochemical laboratory equipment, or simply made these experimental equipment himself.

"It seems you are very used to doing research here."

"I actually upgraded the laboratory to this point." Lu Xingye smiled slightly and raised his head to look at Zhao Yinyun.


"This is my home from now on, can I not get used to it?"

"After I finish the experiment every day, I worry about whether my medical knowledge will be abandoned by your evil boss if my medical knowledge becomes outdated."

"If I were kicked out of the hive by you."

"The little girl is really homeless."

Zhao Yinyun spoke in a slightly cute voice. It must be said that her emotional intelligence is really high.

Even Lu Xingye, a cold boy, was often provoked into mood swings by the other party.

"Do not worry."

"Even if you are useless."

"I won't abandon you either."

"Because I have treated you as a family member, just like the puppy I once raised, Ah Huang."

"As long as I have something to eat."

"I will never starve you."

"Anyway, you are easily satisfied. You and I eat different things."

"Feed you."

“It’s a great way to reuse this food.”

Hear the words.

Zhao Yinyun's mentality immediately exploded.

What is food reuse?

Special code!

Do you really think of me as a dog?

Zhao Yinyun felt that she was offended.

"You are the dog."



"Why don't you use curse words when you curse recently?"

"That's fine, but it won't be allowed next time."

"If you do this again, then I will..."

"Then I will..."

Zhao Yinyun pondered for a moment, perhaps not thinking of any harsh words. After a moment, she uttered a sentence coldly.

"Then I won't give you the elixir of life."


This bitch is so ruthless.

Isn't there a sentence in the novel that says this?

Preventing people from immortality is like killing their parents?

The feud was settled.



Lu Xingye chuckled lightly. He also knew that it was okay to joke, but if the joke was taken too far, it would be a bit more than worth the gain.

"I was just kidding."

"Do not worry."

"As long as you don't let me down, I will never let you down in this life. When you are in danger, I will definitely protect you."

Hearing this, Zhao Yinyun was silent for a moment and did not speak.


She no longer dwells on the joke she just made.

Zhao Yinyun walked to the biochemical safe, entered a long secret, and then checked her biological signs.

After a while.

Then he took out a bottle of transparent medicine from the biochemistry cabinet.

This bottle of medicine is the complete version of the elixir of longevity that has just been successfully produced.

193. Lu Xingye took the longevity medicine and his body began to gradually transform.

The elixir is transparent.

It looks a bit like white, and the whole particle looks shiny.

Lu Xingye unscrewed the lid of the medicine.

A mysterious fragrance emanates from the inside of the bottle.

Lu Xingye took a deep breath.

The factors in the longevity medicine entered his body along the nose and mouth.

This smell is very good.

Lu Xingye felt refreshed for a moment.

It is indeed a medicine of longevity.

Just smelling it has this effect. If you swallow it, its effect will definitely be even greater.



Lu Xingye nodded slightly to Zhao Yinyun.

Then he asked:

"Why should we not use the elixir of life? Or how many pills should we take to achieve the effect of elixir of life?"

Lu Xingye was going to be the first to take the medicine after asking questions.

He is the boss of Suihuo Technology.

Now that a longevity medicine has been developed, he naturally wants to be the first to enjoy it.


"You only need to take one elixir every day for a week, and you can live forever."

"As time goes by, your face will never grow old."

"After taking the medicine for a week."

"You can maintain this state of immortality forever."

"So that's it." Lu Xingye nodded slightly.


Stretch out two fingers, insert them into the medicine bottle, and pick up a medicine.

Suddenly threw it into the mouth.

Swallow gently.

The elixir of life melts away, and its essence falls down the throat into the stomach.

The effect of the elixir is very good.

As soon as the medicine arrived in his stomach, Lu Xingye clearly felt some changes in his body.

This change is very obvious.

It's like there is some kind of lock inside the dead person's body.

This lock locks the door to immortality, causing people to suffer from birth, old age, illness and death.

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