Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 245


after taking this medication.

Lu Xingye felt as if the lock had been opened in his body.

What a wonderful feeling.

Not only does the body become very relaxed, but it is also full of energy.

For the first time, Lu Xingye felt that his body was so good.

About half an hour passed.

After all the drugs had spread throughout the body, Lu Xingye came to the biological genetic testing equipment.

Give your body a comprehensive physical exam.

The results obtained.

But it was beyond his expectation.

From a scientific point of view, the reason why people are born, old, sick and die is because the cells in the body no longer divide, which leads to the continuous aging of the body.

The main factor that prevents cell division is: telomeres sent from both ends of the cell.

To put it simply.

There is a type of telomere in cells. These telomeres control the number of cell divisions.

Once a cell divides, it will die after a certain number of times.

And no more new cells can be produced.

This is the reason why humans cannot live forever.


After Lu Xingye took the elixir of life, he miraculously discovered that the telomeres at both ends of his body had disappeared.

In other words, the thing that limits cell division is gone.

If this restriction no longer exists.

That means his body cells can divide indefinitely.

This property is a bit like cancer cells.

Cancer cells are also called immortal cells.

If it is not cancer cells and harmful to the human body, this is definitely one of the immortal species.

Now Lu Xingye discovered that the ordinary cells in his body already possess the infinite division characteristics of cancer cells, but they must have the basic functions of cells.

Does not affect the functioning of the body.

In short, he is already an immortal at this moment.

His body does not age with the passage of time.

As the physical examination proceeds.

Lu Xingye was surprised to find that not all the telomeres of the cells in the body had disappeared, but the telomeres of most of the cells in the body had disappeared.

Part of it is that the cell telomeres are still there.

For example:

Bone cells in bone marrow.

Stem cells in the blood.

In other words, the process of eliminating telomeres is not completed all at once.

But by taking the elixir for a week continuously,

Thus all telomeres in the body are eliminated.

But this also made Lu Xingye very happy.

When people are alive, in addition to pursuing money, beauty, and power, there is something engraved in the depths of their memory that humans can pursue forever.

That is - alive.

Or called eternal life.


"I have a general understanding of my physical condition."

"You can draw my blood to check the activity level of my cells."

Zhao Yinyun rolled her eyes at the other person: "In your current situation, do you still need to be tested?"

“You don’t have to look at it, it’s 100% active.”

"..." Lu Xingye was silent for a moment.

Then he spoke again:

"I think it's better to check it out."

Zhao Yinyun did not refuse. After adjusting one of the instruments, he began to conduct a more comprehensive physical examination on Lu Xingye.

There were no incidents during the physical examination.

Lu Xingye's body was as expected.

——Bel Bang


Zhao Yinyun also discovered a problem. Lu Xingye's body seemed to never age, and the cells were constantly dividing.

Once cells age.

They will divide again and generate new cells.

It just keeps coming.

Let Lu Xingye's appearance remain at his current age forever.

The appearance is ageless.

Youth remains forever.

This is a dream that many beautiful girls have stopped pursuing!

Zhao Yinyun was not surprised either.

She is also a beautiful girl who still has an indelible pursuit of eternal youth.

My heart gradually becomes hot.

Zhao Yinyun also wanted to take the elixir of life.


"I also want to take the elixir of life. I wonder if it is possible?"

Zhao Yinyun looked at Lu Xingye and spoke expectantly.

in this world.

Although the longevity medicine was invented by Zhao Yinyun, she knew it very well.

Everything about me belongs to the man in front of me.

Including self-developed longevity medicine.

Even if the elixir of life is developed by oneself, if one wants to take the elixir of life, he must obtain the approval of the man in front of him.

Zhao Yinyun sees her current situation very clearly.

Her emotional intelligence is also very high.

We will not do anything that exceeds our authority.

"Of course you can!"

"You are the one I recognize."


"To be more precise, you are someone I recognize. I have already decided in my heart that I will climb to the top of the world with you in the future and see the scenery beyond the top of the world together."

"without any exaggeration."

"I already regard you as my closest and dearest relative."

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