Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 249

It makes people feel a little uncomfortable.


Lu Xingye and Long Yubing stayed together for a long time, and after getting familiar with each other, they no longer felt this way.

He now thinks Long Yubing is quite cute.


Long Yubing was the first girl to have in-depth communication with Lu Xingye.

It even saved his life.

Lu Xingye had special feelings for this little bodyguard.

"How did you come?"

Lu Xingye looked at the other party and asked with a smile.

Looking at the man he liked, Long Yubing also had a faint smile on his face.

"I'm so bored in the hive."

"So come see what you're doing."

"I'm studying nanorobots!" Lu Xingye replied.

When Long Yubing heard this, he said nothing.

The two faced each other and were silent for a moment.


Long Yubing's voice came again.


"I've been a member of the Hive for a long time, too."

"But you never gave me a job."

"What now!"

"I just want to ask you if there is any job suitable for me and you can arrange it for me."

"Do not worry!"

"I may have suffered."

After saying that.

Long Yubing barely showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

196. Restart the super soldier plan, Long Yubing builds a personal guard

Seeing Long Yubing's appearance, Lu Xingye felt heartbroken.

The other party is obviously very indifferent, but now he is pretending to be cute.

How did she spend these days?

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment.

I feel that I should also find a job for him, instead of letting him do nothing here.

Since he chose to leave the other party in the hive.

Then you should take good care of each other.


What kind of job is suitable for Long Yubing?

Civilian in the hive?

Not suitable.

Long Yubing was born in the military and had a relatively cold personality. He was not good at communication and did not know how to deal with others.

Civil service and some high-profile jobs are not suitable.

Management's job?

It is also not suitable for the same reason as above.

As for research work?

Then it's not suitable.

After much deliberation, Lu Xingye still felt that it would be more appropriate for Long Yubing to return to her old profession.

Wasn't she a soldier before?

And it's still very top-notch.

If this is the case, then I will let him continue to be a soldier.

Now the Hive is building super soldiers.

The super soldier project established by Lu Xingye is also gradually progressing.


To build a super soldier defense team, you must have a trustworthy captain.

Long Yubing is undoubtedly very suitable for this position.


Lu Xingye could only trust Long Yubing to manage the super soldier captain.

Others don't quite trust it.

As for whether Long Yubing will betray?

This is undoubtedly negative.

After this period of observation, Lu Xingye knew that the other party had truly surrendered to Hive.

Although Long Yubing has not yet made any contribution to the Honeycomb, the naturally revealed emotions between them cannot be hidden.

Long Yubing really regarded the hive as his home.

"How about you continue talking about my little bodyguard?"

Seeing the way the other person raised his little mouth, Lu Xingye couldn't help but reveal a faint smile.

Long Yubing's dim eyes suddenly brightened a little.

It doesn't matter whether you are a bodyguard or not.

The most important thing is to be able to stay with Lu Xingye.

As long as he can stay with Lu Xingye, that's enough.


Long Yubing thought of the defense measures in the hive and the robots that often followed Lu Xingye.

He also doubted his ability.

It was a robot bodyguard, and it was simply inhuman.

Strong attack power.

Be flexible.

More maneuverable.

The matching weapons are unprecedented.

The robots left next to Lu Xingye were all super machines capable of defeating one against a hundred.

It is possible for a robot to destroy thousands or even tens of thousands of enemies.

Long Yubing couldn't help but wonder.

Do you still have the ability to take on the position of bodyguard?

"Don't you have a robot bodyguard?"


"I might not be as good as them."


Listening to Long Yubing's hesitant voice, Lu Xingye knew that the other party still liked his arrangement very much, but he just doubted his ability.

However, let’s take a step back.

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