Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 250

With Long Yubing's current ability, he is really not suitable to be a part-time bodyguard.

Pulling out any robot from the hive will kill the opponent instantly.

This kind of bodyguard is the most suitable.


Lu Xingye felt that these robots were too stiff.

In the handling of some emergencies and complex events, far more than humans are involved.

And for danger warning.

This is also where humans have a greater advantage.


Only Lu Xingye knows the real super soldier plan.

Build super soldiers.

Super Soldiers are a complement to the Hive Robot Guards.

It is also the beginning of building your own strength.

The two cooperate and complement each other, and can achieve a result of 1+1 greater than two.


"I know your situation."

"I said you can do it."

Lu Xingye's voice was a little domineering.


Long Yubing happened to be in the same position.

"Oh well."

"I can give it a try."


"You might want to give me a set of nano-suits."

"Although I may not be as good as a robot, I swear."

"I will definitely protect you with my life."


Lu Xingye was silent for a moment, and his tone suddenly became stern.

"How do you talk?"

"When did I say you would protect me with your life?"

"I want you alive."

"Join me in saying stand at the top of the world and see the scenery beyond the top."

"That's what you need to do."

"If you are in danger..."


"There is nothing left that can pose any danger to me here in the Hive."

Speaking of which.

Lu Xingye paused for a moment, and the gray fog civilization's laser weapon suddenly flashed in his mind.

If that alien race walks out of the gray fog area, it should be a danger to me!

Lu Xingye only hesitated slightly.

Just put this thought away.

If a time machine had not been invented before, he might have been afraid.


Now the time machine is in place.

He can restart time and space at any time.

All these dangers are of course completely gone for him.

The two of them were silent for a moment.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice turned around again.

"Do not worry!"

"Before you become my bodyguard again, I'm going to put you in a super soldier program."

"Once you take the Super Soldier Serum, your abilities will change dramatically."

"It's not any problem to hoist the machinery inside the hive now."

"Super soldier plan?" Long Yubing was stunned when he heard this.

She had never heard of the plan inside the hive, but had seen the super-soldier project in the movies.

Super soldier serum is from the science fiction movie "Captain America".

One of the most amazing medicines.

After the protagonist Steve in "Captain America" ​​took the Super Soldier Serum, his whole person changed drastically.

The most obvious are the physical changes.

The metabolic function is extremely powerful and can completely metabolize lactic acid and other fatigue-causing substances in the muscles.

Steve went from being a skinny, frail boy with developmental disabilities to a superhero.


Steve also has various abilities that have grown.

It can be said to be:

The Super Soldier Serum turns on the switch of human evolution, allowing humans to break through their own limits and enter a new realm.

The thought of this.

Long Yubing couldn't help but have some doubts.

Is the super soldier serum that Lu Xingye is talking about the super soldier serum in the movie? ? ?

If so.

That's really... really... amazing.

Is film technology reflected in reality?

Probably not!

Long Yubing shook his head, unwilling to believe it.


She had another thought in her mind, that is, the Super Soldier Serum the other party mentioned was the Super Soldier Serum in the "Captain America" ​​movie.

197. Long Yubing is going to take the super soldier serum and become a fair-skinned and beautiful little wife.

"Yes, super soldier serum." Lu Xingye nodded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards.

Asked again:

"Do you feel a little strange?"

"The name of the Super Soldier Serum is exactly the same as the name in the "Captain America" ​​movie."

Long Yubing didn't expect it.

Lu Xingye would say this.

For a while.

I was stunned for 2 seconds.

Then he nodded slightly.

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