Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 251


"I was very surprised by the Super Soldier Serum in Captain America."

"At first, I thought the Super Soldier Serum you were talking about was the Super Soldier Serum in the Captain America movie."

Something she could never imagine.

Lu Xingye actually nodded and expressed an idea that he would never have thought of.


"Actually, your ideas are a bit conservative."

"Your idea from the beginning was right. You can think more divergently."


" our super soldier serum similar to the super soldier serum in the movie? Or it has similar effects." Long Yubing asked tentatively.

In fact, he still didn't believe it in his heart.

"It's still a bit conservative. Guess again."

Lu Xingye looked at Long Yubing and smiled, showing his small white teeth.


"I couldn't guess it!"

"That's just unimaginable."

"Just tell me."

For some reason, Lu Xingye felt that Long Yubing was not as cold as before.

The whole person became a little cute.

"Ha ha……"

"Then I'll tell you the truth."

"Although what I say next is a bit unbelievable, you must believe it, because what I say next is true."

Is it because he was afraid that the other party would not believe him, so Lu Xingye gave him a vaccination in advance.



"Say it!"

Long Yubing nodded slightly.

I thought to myself that this super soldier serum would be a little more effective at most and could greatly enhance human potential.


Lu Xingye's super soldier serum can never be the super soldier serum in the Captain America movie.

She was ready to accept it.

Lu Xingye pouted, and then the voice came over.

"My Super Soldier serum was inspired by the movie Captain America."

"In honor of Captain America's Super Soldier Serum, I decided to name this drug Super Soldier Serum as well."

"Guess how effective the super soldier serum I developed based on the Captain America movie is?"

"A little worse than the one in the movie? Or is it about the same?" Long Yubing asked tentatively again.

In fact, Long Yubing felt that his guesses were very bold, but he didn't expect that he was still conservative.

At this time, Lu Xingye's voice came again.

"It's still conservative."

"never mind."

"I'll tell you directly!"

Lu Xingye pouted and spoke directly.


Now that faint voice came again.

"Although the super soldier serum I made is based on the Captain America movie, its efficacy is much stronger than that in the Captain America movie."

"After taking super soldier blood."

“It can elevate human potential several times higher.”

Oh my God!

Long Yubing made an incredible sound.

What makes a movie a movie.

It's because the movie is a figment of people's imagination, not reality.

Now Lu Xingye actually told her,

He realized what was in the movie.

Movies reflect reality.


Lu Xingye said that the things he invented were more powerful than those in the movies.


This...this...this is so unbelievable.

"Is what you said true?" Long Yubing asked in disbelief.

"of course it's true."

"Why did I lie to you?"

Lu Xingye smiled and spoke.

Seeing Lu Xingye's vow, although Long Yubing found it hard to believe, he believed it.


What followed was a burst of anxiety.

If the super soldier blood is really the same as in the movie, then...

So this magical drug will drastically change the appearance of the body.

Didn’t you see the protagonist of Captain America, after taking the super soldier serum?

They all transformed from a boy who was born with stunted growth and a frail appearance to a very strong superhero.

Superheroes are superheroes.

But there are too many muscles.

It would be okay if this change happened to boys.

After all, it turns into a muscular man, making girls feel safe.

But Long Yubing is a girl, is it really good to become muscular?

If I take the Super Soldier Serum, will I become like a man?

If I became a man, would Lu Xingye still like me?

It is precisely because of this.

Long Yubing felt a little hesitant.

Lu Xingye raised his head and glanced at Long Yubing. Perhaps he saw the worry in his eyes, and quickly explained:

"Are you worried that your body will grow sideways after taking the super soldier serum?"

Lu Xingye laughed dryly, with a hint of ridicule on his face.

"Not at all."

"I just feel that I am a girl. If I become a man, what will I do if no one wants me in the future?"

"I haven't experienced what true love is like."

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