Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 252

Looking at Long Yubing's aggrieved look.

Lu Xingye wanted to tease the other person more and more.

Ha ha……

This little girl is so cute.

Why didn't I find this girl so cute before?


"You have become a man, what kind of love do you still want?"

"Although after you become a man, no boys will want you. But the same cannot be said for girls."

"Homosexuality is not prohibited in our country."

"It's okay to have a girl on top of a girl."

"you you……"

Long Yubing was so angry at Lu Xingye that her chest bulged and a feeling of suffocation swirled in her chest.

Lu Xingye was so angry that he almost exploded.

"You...what are you? Am I right?" Lu Xingye laughed evilly.





"It's just not right."

"I'm not a lesbian."

Long Yubing pouted and put his hands on his hips. It looked like he would rush forward and fight Lu Xingye in the next second.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

"You're not a lesbian."

Lu Xingye laughed dryly, revealing a smile that could only be understood but not expressed.

Perhaps he saw that Long Yubing was on the verge of erupting.

Lu Xingye wasn't teasing him either.

He laughed dryly and said:


"I was joking just now."

"Please do not mind that."

"You think about this issue, I took it into consideration when I was developing the super soldier serum."

"I have later improved the super serum in the Captain America movie to eliminate this side effect."

"I guarantee that after taking the Super Soldier Serum, your body will turn into a fair-skinned and beautiful little wife."

198. Captain of the Night Watch? One thousand super soldier clones in place

Little sweet wife?


"Who is your little wife?"

"Not even shy."

After listening to Lu Xingye's words, Long Yubing's face became hot, a little bit hot.

What kind of words is this?


Lu Xingye laughed dryly.

He seemed to realize that he had used the wrong words and quickly changed the topic.

"I'm just making a metaphor."

"Please do not mind!"

"I just want to tell you that taking the Super Soldier Serum now will not have any negative effects on your body."

"on the contrary."

"After you take the super soldier serum, your body will become more beautiful."

"Your skin will also become more lubricated."

"So please don't worry."

After receiving Lu Xingye's assurance, Long Yubing relaxed.


What she doesn't know is:

What a blessing it is to be able to take the super soldier serum now.

In the near future.

Humans who have taken the super soldier serum are called the new humans of the era.

Only new humans who have taken the super soldier serum are eligible to enter the interstellar age.

in history,

The date of the invention of the Super Soldier Serum is also called the beginning of the interstellar age.

"Oh well."

Long Yubing nodded and agreed.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye's voice turned around again.

Now that he has regarded Long Yubing as one of his own, there is no need for him to hide his supermarket soldier plan.

"Is such that."

"I'm going to form a team of about 1,000 super soldiers."

"This team claims to be the protective force of the hive."

"Actually, they are a team walking in the dark."

"This team is called the Night's Watch."

"The Night Watchers are not only responsible for the safety of the hive, but also for the safety of the entire Blue Star."

"The Night's Watch must eliminate all threats that exist on Blue Star."

"Prepare for Suihuo technology to enter the interstellar era."

"at the same time."

"I will also tell you the equipment configuration of the Night Watch army."

"Full match!"

"The Night Watchers will be equipped with the latest generation of nano-armors invented by Tony, as well as the latest anti-matter weapons and laser weapons."


"As long as it is the latest arms and weapons produced by Suihuo Technology, they should be equipped with the Night Watch first."

"Be sure to ensure that the equipment of the Night Watch is the latest, has the highest attack power, and has the highest lethality."

"To put it simply:"

"The Night Watchers will be Suihuo Technology's ace guards from now on."

After saying that.

Lu Xingye smacked his mouth and swallowed hard, causing the saliva in his throat to secrete saliva.

Let your saliva moisten your dry throat.

Then the faint voice continued to come.

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