Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 253

"Long Yubing."

"I'm inviting you to continue being my guard."

"Command 1,000 Night Watchmen."

"Are you willing to serve as the captain of the Night Watch and take over the baton of guarding the hive, guarding the Blue Star, and guarding humanity?"

do not know why.

Originally, Lu Xingye was not a noble person, but now that he heard his serious nonsense, it really seemed like this.

Long Yubing himself is a soldier.

Now when I hear the words "protecting humanity and protecting Blue Star", my heart suddenly boils with passion.

A rush of hot blood rushed from the bottom of my heart to my forehead.

The form that comes from the deepest part of my heart comes out in an instant.

Long Yubing couldn't help but say three words:

"I do."

"That's really great." Lu Xingye smiled.

I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since the super soldier program was established, he had been trying to find a qualified person in charge.

But those who were promoted from outside the hive were useless.

Or to say:

He couldn't trust people promoted from outside the hive.

to this end.

Lu Xingye was worried for a long time.

Originally, he had never thought about letting Long Yubing be the captain of the night watchman.

did not expect!

The other party just came to find me.

And Long Yubing is a trustworthy person after his own investigation.


Long Yubing became the captain of the Hive Night Watch by accident.

Ever since the super soldier program was established.

This plan has been advancing.

In Lu Xingye’s plan,

In order to ensure the loyalty of these 1,000 night watchmen, he did not recruit soldiers from outside.

Instead, soldiers are mass-produced through a new technology.

This technology is cloning technology.

Lu Xingye Gene Laboratory extracts excellent human genes, and then uses gene cloning, gene editing, and gene compilation...

Thus cloning a thousand excellent soldiers.

This step is now basically complete.

This 1,000-meter super soldier has been cloned and is now being cultivated in the cultivation chamber of the cloning laboratory on the 48th floor of the Hive.

As long as the captain of the night watch is in place.

He can release this batch of clones.

Then go through systematic training.

This will become an invincible team.

"Then I will take you to see your future subordinates now."


Lu Xingye didn't think too much. He stretched out his right hand and took Long Yubing's little hand.

Then take the exclusive safety elevator.

Arrive at the cloning laboratory on the 48th floor of the Hive.

at the same time.

Long Yubing's little hand was held by Lu Xingye.

All this happened somewhat unexpectedly.

Long Yubing's cold face turned red instantly.

Bad guy!

How could he hold my hand?

Doesn't he know that girls are not allowed to hold hands randomly?

Long Yubing's soft, boneless little hand was wrapped in Lu Xingye's fiery big hand.

This made Long Yubing a little shy.

The key is that Long Yubing couldn't bear to shake off the other party's hand.

on the contrary.

She also felt a sense of enjoyment and nostalgia, being able to be held by Lu Xingye.


Long Yubing! Long Yubing.

What are you thinking about? ? ?

How can you be so unreserved?

You are an aloof girl!

The more Long Yubing thought about it, the redder his face turned.

Finally, she wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

This is so shameful.

Fortunately, Lu Xingye didn't notice her little expression, so Long Yubing's expression became more natural.

As the safety elevator slowly rises.

Lu Xingye also brought him to the cloning laboratory.

I saw a laboratory with a sci-fi feel in front of me.

As far as the eye can see, there are neat rows of cultivation warehouses.

The culture chamber is transparent and filled with blue culture liquid.

It is in this blue liquid that the clones of the super soldiers can maintain their immortality.

The clone has a long tube inserted into its mouth.

This is the lifeblood of the clone.

The nutrients that the clone normally needs flow into the belly of the clone through this life tube.

Take a closer look.

There is already a mature clone in the culture chamber.

This clone is about the same size as a normal human, has sound limbs, and is much stronger than an average person.

This is the super soldier Lu Xingye ordered Jarvis to collect the best genes from mankind and produce it.

199. Remove side effects and inject super soldier blood

"How about it?"

"Here are the 1,000 super soldiers I cloned for you."

"You will be their captain from now on."

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