Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 254

Lu Xingye laughed dryly and turned to look at Long Yubing.

"Looks pretty good."

"I don't know if I can control them." Long Yubing was a little worried.

In the army.

She's seen this happen a lot.

In combat units like the army, one fist is usually king.

They only obey those who are stronger than themselves.

Long Yubing looked at the clones in the culture chamber. Each one was as strong as a cow.

Looks so strong.

The fighting prowess of Kaizai must also be terrifying.

He is just a weak woman.

In terms of strength, he is not as good as boys.

Now that he was suddenly asked to become the captain of the Night Watch, Long Yubing was a little worried about whether he could convince the public.


Looking at the other person's appearance, Lu Xingye didn't know what the other person was thinking.

He laughed dryly and said:

"Actually, you don't have to worry about these super soldiers at all."

"You know it!"

"These value soldiers are clones."

"During the cloning, I planted a thought in their minds that they must obey the orders of their superiors."

"Use your life to protect the hive and the blue star."

"To put it simply:"

"This is because the idea of ​​​​super soldiers has been finalized, and there will never be the kind of thorny phenomenon in the army."

Hearing Lu Xingye's words.

Long Yubing felt a lot more relaxed.

The gaze in his eyes looking at Lu Xingye became more and more dependent.

Be with each other.

It feels really safe.

No matter what troubles or worries you encounter, it seems that the other party can solve them for you.

How reassuring.

at the same time.

Long Yubing felt a sense of expectation rising in her heart.

From now on, he will be the captain of the Night Watch, with more than 1,000 super soldiers at his disposal.

That feeling is quite proud.

Perhaps he had seen through the other party's inner thoughts.

Lu Xingye laughed dryly again.


"Aren't you a little proud!"

"It feels good to be the modern version of Yue Fei!"

"You are the modern version of Yue Fei."

"I'm not pretending to be a man! I'm not Yue Fei, and I didn't join the army on my father's behalf, but betrayed my father's army."

Maybe Long Yubing was in a good mood.

She, who was originally indifferent, said a few more words for a while.


"Even if she is not the Christmas version of Yue Fei, she is still a modern female general."

"Then let me interview you, a female general."

"How does it feel to command 1,000 super soldiers?"


"I don't feel anything."

Long Yubing spoke calmly.

But the leap on her face had betrayed her - her heart was not as peaceful as it seemed.

Lu Xingye didn't say anything.

He just held Long Yubing's little hand and walked through several corridors to a place called the clinical laboratory.

The clinical laboratory is where Lu Xingye usually does biochemical experiments.

There is complete treatment equipment here.

If Long Yubing took the super soldier serum and something unexpected happened, he would be able to rescue him in time.


There are basically no accidents when taking Super Soldier Serum.

Because this drug has been repeatedly verified and has absolutely no side effects or any harm to the human body.

Lu Xingye regarded Long Yubing as his family.

He would never let anything happen to his family.

Letting Long Yubing take the super soldier serum in the clinical laboratory was just a conservative approach.

After coming to the clinical laboratory.

Only then did Long Yubing react.

It turned out that Lu Xingye had been holding his hand just now, and now his phone was sweating.

Long Yubing's expression also became a little unnatural.

He raised his head slightly and looked at Lu Xingye.

When seeing the other person, he didn't have any intention of letting go of his hand.

In the end, Long Yubing was defeated.

After all, girls are still relatively thin-skinned.


"I said we take the super soldier serum, so let's take the super soldier serum."

"Why are you always holding my hand?"

"Now that we have arrived at the clinical laboratory, can you let go of my hand first?"


Lu Xingye's face turned red.

"Don't care."

"I didn't just hold your hand."


"Does that mean you won't hold my hand casually?"

Zhao Yinyun's voice turned cold.




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