Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 255

"You just want to hold my hand?"

Long Yubing looked into Lu Xingye's eyes and asked provocatively.

"Hey... not really."

Lu Xingye shook his head.

How can I not know that I have already

"Okay, you" fell into the other party's language trap.

No matter what he said, it wasn't true.

When did this little girl Long Yubing become so naughty?


Long Yubing smiled and immediately extended his hands to Lu Xingye.

"Bring it here!"

"What?" Lu Xingye looked at Long Yubing's stretched out hands with confusion on his face.

"Super soldier serum."

Long Yubing said carelessly.



Lu Xingye pressed a button in the laboratory, and the robotic arm next to him stretched out a needle.

This syringe is the super soldier serum.

Super soldier blood is pink and looks a bit like lava inside a rock.

The color is...

As hot as magma.

Develop potential.

This is the Super Soldier Serum that unlocks potential.

"Just put this needle into the vein."

Super soldier blood, like NZT-48, is injected into the arteries to produce the greatest effect.

"Then I'm lying on the bed."

"Is it enough to just insert the needle into the arm?"

Long Yubing took the needle directly from the robotic arm.


Lu Xingye nodded, and then spoke again:


"You can't inject yourself with Super Soldier Serum."

"There are some acupuncture points and the locations of arteries that you can't be sure of."


"You can just lie in bed now."

"I'll help you through the injection process."

After listening to Lu Xingye's words.

Long Yubing didn't object and lay on the bed obediently, looking like she was letting him take whatever he wanted.

In fact, it would be better for Lu Xingye to inject himself.

If Long Yubing was allowed to do it herself, she would probably not be able to do it.

That needle tube is as thick as an arm!

Anyone who dares to attack him is a ruthless person.

At this time.

Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.

"Close your eyes first."

"It'll be fine in a moment."

"This process may be a bit painful, just bear with it and it will pass."

After saying that.

Lu Xingye saw that Long Yubing had closed his eyes and his eyelashes moved slightly, knowing that the other party was ready.

He quickly aimed the super soldier serum syringe prepared in advance at the vein on Long Yubing's right arm, and then slowly pushed it in.

200. The terrifying super soldier blood can defeat ten thousand people with one person.

The fiery red super soldier serum slowly flowed into Long Yubing's body along the needle.

The effects of the medicine took effect quickly.

Long Yubing felt like his whole body fell into the magma.


Incredibly hot.

Soon, the body was covered in sweat, and the sweat wet the shirt on the back, making the clothes stick to the body.

This looks kind of hot and sexy.


At this moment, Long Yubing could no longer care about this.

The burning heat in her body, coupled with the huge pain, made her a little unbearable.

Ever since she became a soldier.

I think I have endured all kinds of hardships.


The hardships I endured before are nothing compared to now.

This pain is heartbreaking.

The pain was heartbreaking.

Long Yubing felt that every muscle in his body was torn apart by a huge energy.


It's crushed.

After that mysterious power crushed the muscles.

A new force was born, repairing the muscles in the body inch by inch.


It's a sharp pain!

Long Yubing felt like his soul was floating.

But the pain went away just as quickly as it came.

It takes about 10 minutes.

The huge pain disappeared.

However, the effects of the supermarket soldier serum had not yet worn off, and Long Yubing could clearly feel that his body was filled with a mysterious power.

This power slowly flowed through his body, constantly improving his body.


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