Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 256

Or this should be described as evolution.

Long Yubing's body is undergoing unknown changes.

Her strength continues to grow.

The blood circulation in her body is constantly accelerating, and the metabolic rate is also accelerating.

Becoming more and more persistent.

"how do you feel?"

At this time, there was a concerned voice next to him.

Lu Xingye looked at her worriedly.

Seeing Long Yubing in agony just now, he felt very sad inside.

after all!

He regards each other as his family.

Lu Xingye is also an extremely protective person.

He couldn't bear to see any of his relatives sad.


If Long Yubing wants to become a new human being in the new era, he must go through this process.

Injecting super soldier serum will do no harm to Long Yubing.

"I feel great."

"That feeling..."

"It feels like your body is full of power, it feels like your body has endless power."

"I feel like I can blow up the earth with one punch."

Long Yubing looked at Lu Xingye and showed a faint smile.

Then he lay on the bed with his right hand and exerted a little force.


He wanted to put his hands on the bed and sit up.


Long Yubing's body had just undergone earth-shaking changes, and his strength had increased significantly.

Her body wasn't used to the change yet.

So much so that she thought she had used very little effort.

As everyone knows!

This small strength in her eyes has become extremely powerful when strengthened by the super soldier serum.


There was a slight sound.

The steel structure used as a bed cracked instantly, and a big hole was forced out of the iron bed.

Super Soldier Serum is so terrifying!


"I...I...I didn't mean it."

"I didn't expect my strength to become so strong."


Perhaps it was a conditioned reflex. As he spoke, Long Yubing took his right hand back, then placed it on the armrest beside the bed, exerting a slight force.

I want to take advantage of this to stand up.

Unexpectedly, an accident happened again.

Due to excessive force, the armrest beside the bed was severely deformed.

An aluminum alloy iron rod as thick as a finger.

Instantly bend and deform.

Under Long Yubing's continued force, the armrests of the bed instantly turned into a twist.


Seeing your own hands wreaking havoc again.

Long Yubing panicked and quickly retracted her right hand.

Immediately afterwards.

He just sat on the bed obediently, not daring to move.

After taking the Super Soldier Serum, my body was too destructive.

Long Yubing couldn't adapt to his body for a while.

So she chose not to move.

"starry night."

"I really didn't mean it just now."

"Why did my strength suddenly become so strong?"

Long Yubing asked innocently.

Lu Xingye smiled slightly. He was not surprised at all by Long Yubing's reaction.

But what he never expected was:

The super soldier serum is actually so effective.

Although it has not been accurately tested, it can be judged from the fact that Long Yubing turned the aluminum alloy steel plate into twists with one hand.

The opponent's strengthened power is terrifying.

This made Lu Xingye himself want to take a bottle of super soldier serum.

The effect is really amazing.

It was also full of temptation for him.


Lu Xingye thought twice and gave up on injecting super soldier blood.

Although the Super Soldier Serum is very good, it can greatly improve physical fitness and enhance human potential.

And there are no side effects.

But the supermarket soldier serum has a certain degree of curability.

That is to say:

After being injected with the super soldier serum, it is equivalent to overdrawing the body's potential.

Although it can greatly improve personal strength in a short period of time.'s not good for the long term.

Because the growth potential of the drug Super Soldier Serum is too low.

Plus this is curable.

Once the body's potential is fixed, this will inevitably limit one's future development.


Lu Xingye did not consider injecting the super soldier serum for the time being.


Lu Xingye waved his head to get rid of the thoughts in his mind.

His eyes focused on Long Yubing again.

Full of concern!


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