Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 260

About 3 minutes later.

When Lu Xingye saw that the other party was not tired at all, a flash of shock flashed through his heart.

Is the device the power of the Super Soldier Serum?

Too strong.

Not only can it greatly enhance human power.

Those people greatly increased the speed of humans.

This is simply a miracle medicine!

If the Super Soldier Serum is promoted, there is no doubt that a dedicated organization can quickly create a super team with the help of the Super Soldier Serum.


And this time the super team has abilities far beyond any team in the world.

This is simply a miracle medicine!

A flash of shock flashed through Lu Xingye's heart.

At the same time, he also hinted at the decision in his heart.

He wants to block the Super Soldier Serum so that only soldiers who are completely loyal to the hive can take the Super Soldier Serum?

at the same time.

The Super Soldier Serum will not be revealed to anyone.

Only as a hive base secret.

It can only be used when building your own strength.

after all!

Super Soldier Serum is so buggy.

This kind of thing is not suitable for promotion, nor is it suitable for existing in the world.

After Long Yubing finished testing his speed.

Lu Xingye took her back to the wasteland for the last test.

The final test is a real-person showdown.

Lu Xingye released three to ten clones from the culture chamber that did not use my super soldier serum.

Let Long Yubing's free clone fight.

Of course, the amount of super soldier serum taken by the clone was not as much as that taken by Long Yubing.

And the serum that the soldiers took,

The effect of the medicine is relatively strong.

Not as gentle as Long Yubing.

In other words:

It's just a clone, and it doesn't fully fit into the Super Soldier Serum.

The effect after taking it is not as powerful as Long Yubing.


The clones remain in the culture chamber.

Although Lu Xingye already had all kinds of fighting knowledge in their minds, after all, they had never experienced actual combat.

In terms of experience, there is something lacking.


Even if Lu Xingye released ten clones, it was still unclear who would win in the end.

About half an hour later.

The results of the real-person confrontation test are out.

There is no doubt that Long Yubing won the battle.

The ten clones were completely defeated.

"I won."

"Lu Xingye, I win."

"I never thought that there would be a day when I could fight one against ten, and the opponent would be a clone that had taken the Super Soldier Serum."

Long Yubing looked at the ten fallen clones.

I feel a sense of accomplishment.

It's not that these clones are not powerful, on the contrary, put any clone here in the army.

They are all super warrior kings, capable of blocking ten with one.

But now these military kings have fallen at his feet, and they are not even his Yihe enemies.



"It seems that you are very suitable for the position of Captain of the Night Watch."

"Long Yubing, are you ready?"

"My safety will be left to you from now on."

203. Gather scientists, mobilize collectively, and research nanorobots


Long Yubing was also very happy and even joked with him.


"From now on, your safety will be entrusted to this heroine."

"As long as this heroine is around, I will take good care of you."

Long Yubing spoke carelessly.

There was a youthful smile on his face.

this moment.

Perhaps her personality has changed a bit, and she is no longer as cold as before.

The whole person feels cute and amiable.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Lu Xingye was also greatly moved.

Which boy wouldn't like a girl who is playing games with her youthful spirit?

Lu Xingye always knew Long Yubing's thoughts.

It's just that he was previously focused on his career and had no intention of focusing on these men and women matters.

His goal is the top.

He feels that if two people, or between a man and a woman, want to be together, they must reach the top of the world together.

If two people fall in love.

Then we meet at the top.

But as time goes by.

Lu Xingye's mentality also gradually changed.

Don’t ask for eternity.

Living should cherish the present moment.

Don't ask for eternity, just seize the day.

If a girl likes you regardless of everything, she is even willing to spend most of her life with you.

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