Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 261

Then he won't let her down.

Long Yubing is such a girl.

Lu Xingye always knew what the other person was thinking.

He felt that it was okay to continue like this, and it was time to explain his feelings to the other party.

Should you tell the other party now?

Or prepare carefully?

Lu Xingye thought about it for a moment and chose the latter.

Whether it's from the timing or the atmosphere, now is not the right time.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye walked outside with the other party for a while.

He taught the other party a set of radio gymnastics training methods from the movie.

The radio gymnastics training method in the movie is a condensation of gymnastics that can be expected in the future, which can maximize people's control over their body, exercise, and exercise their flexibility.


Lu Xingye taught her this radio gymnastics routine, which was just right.

But after all this is over.

Lu Xingye said goodbye to Long Yubing.

Return to Hive Lab alone.

After relaxing for a while, the idea of ​​nanorobots came to his mind.

Produce nanobots.

The most important thing is to find a suitable nanomaterial for making robots.

If he remembered correctly.

There is exactly such a material recorded in Jarvis's database.

But this material is not commonly used.

It was simply ignored by him.

Now this...

Thinking about it, a smile suddenly appeared on Lu Xingye's face: "It's true that you can't find anything even if you step on it with iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it."

Lu Xingye turned on the computer.

The data of this nanomaterial was quickly retrieved.

It was discovered that this is a new type of artificially synthesized material.

It is not difficult to reproduce this nanomaterial.

That is to say.

Making such nanomaterials is not difficult.

His nanobot plan is coming together.

If nothing else happens, as long as this nanomaterial is manufactured, nanorobots can be produced in less than a week.


Once nanorobots are born, they will be transformative for the entire human civilization.

Nanorobots are microscopic robots.

Can be used in all aspects of society.

For example:

In the medical industry, nanorobots can serve as targeted drugs, carrying therapeutic drugs to designated locations for treatment.


Nanorobots can also penetrate deep into the human body to perform treatment at the genetic level.

To know.

From a scientific perspective, any disease is caused at the genetic level.

If nanorobots can perform genetic-level treatment, it will basically cure all diseases!

No matter what disease you have, be it cancer, AIDS, cholera, heart disease... or any other messy disease, it is no longer a problem.

In the future, there will no longer be any therapeutic drugs in the hospital.

They only have nanobots.

As long as someone is sick, as long as the program is set, the nanorobot will penetrate into the human body and perform genetic treatment.

In less than 10 minutes, all diseases can be cured.

The hospital will be equipped with some nutrients.

After the nanorobot treatment is completed, they will prescribe some nutritional drugs to assist the patient's recovery.

Here is the role of nanorobots in the medical field.


In addition to the medical field, nanorobots also play a wonderful role in other fields.

For example, in terms of garbage decomposition.

The immortal garbage that has not been transformed into thousands of people for thousands of years will quickly decompose under the action of nanorobots.

To put it simply.

Nanorobots are expected to replace nature's role as decomposers.

In the field of new materials...

Lu Xingye pondered for a moment and slowly came back to his senses.

After the R\u0026D plan is determined.

He walked to the laboratory and pressed a green button.

This green button collection button.

As long as he presses this button, other scientists inside the hive will gather together and wait for Lu Xingye's arrival in the large conference room.

Normally, Lu Xingye would not summon all the scientists.

Only when major scientific research tasks are announced, he will mobilize all scientists to participate.

The nanorobot project is related to the exploration of gray fog civilization.

It can be said that the stakes are high.

Therefore, it is not excessive to summon so many scientific research resources.


As long as he successfully develops nanorobots, Lu Xingye will restart time and space and start it all over again.

Therefore, this is not a waste of scientific research resources.


Let me explain something here.

After Lu Xingye restarted time and space, although he could not bring back the past to future products, the memories in his mind were not affected.

If nanorobots are successfully developed now.

Lu Xingye could memorize this technique in his mind.

Wait until time and space is restarted.

He went back to the past with his memories.

in this way.

He can quickly create nanorobots based on the memories in his mind, and then start the second wave of plans to explore the gray fog area.

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