Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 262

This can shorten the development time of nanorobots.

Gray Mist Civilization was caught off guard.


All the scientists in the hive gathered in the large conference room on the twelfth floor of the hive.

Seats for thousands.

There is no empty seat.

All seats were occupied.

The hive has grown to include more than a thousand scientists.

And all 1,000 of them are core scientists who have taken smart drugs.

All are the treasures of the hive.


They all gathered together under Lu Xingye's order.

Everyone gathered together and whispered when they saw that Lu Xingye hadn't arrived yet.

"Is there any major scientific research task?"

"Why did you bring us all together?"

"I'm working on ghost weapons!"

"Me too! I'm researching biological weapons."

“Everyone was working on the project at hand and was called over.”

"Don't be anxious, everyone!"

"Commander, if you call us here in such a hurry, there must be a major scientific research mission announced."

"We are here, just wait a moment."

204. The scientific researchers were mobilized successfully and took the elixir of life the next day.

Waited for a while.

Lu Xingye finally arrived belatedly.

I saw that he was wearing a white casual suit with black trousers on top. He looked high-spirited, like a middle-aged man with legendary achievements.

have to say.

Dressed like this, Lu Xingye really looks like a successful person.

Come to the center of the conference room.

Lu Xingye sat on the main seat without hesitation.

He glanced around and saw that all the scientists who were supposed to come were present, and he smiled with satisfaction.

Dear scientists. "

"Hello everyone."

"Each one of you is a treasure of our hive."

"I know that each of you has your own scientific research plan at hand, but now the hive has a more important research plan. I ask you to put down the work at hand and conduct a planned research first."

Lu Xingye asked very politely.

He knows how to control people.

This does not mean that since these scientists are his subordinates, he does not need to respect them.

If you do this, you will definitely be alienated.

So he can't do it.

He wants to give these scientists the necessary respect.

Only if you respect them will they respect you.

Lu Xingye understood this truth deeply, so he lowered his attitude from the beginning and gave them reasonable respect.

The effect is very good.

These scientists felt flattered to see the commander being so polite.

The commander is the highest commander in the hive.

Originally, the commander could just tell him what he wanted to do, but they didn't dare not execute it.

It’s not that I want to give them so much face.

But the commander just gave it.

The scientists suddenly felt flattered.

Feel like a human being.

"Commander, if you have any tasks, just give me orders. You don't have to be so polite. If you are so polite, everyone will be a little flattered."

"Yes, Commander. We will fully comply with your orders. If there are any scientific research tasks, you can just announce them."

“It’s all about the hive.”

"Commander, I promise you, I will put down what I am doing first and complete your new request on time."

All the scientists who came to the conference room spoke affirmatively.

This made Lu Xingye a little relieved.

Immediately she announced her plan to develop nanorobots.


"Due to special reasons, we must develop nanorobots."

"Nanorobots are of great strategic significance to both Ye's hive and Blue Star."

"I can't tell you the specific reasons yet."

"But just know that nanobots are very important."

"It's like a scientific research mission."

"Time is urgent."

"Heavy task."

"thanks everyone."

"I believe that as long as everyone works together, we will be able to overcome this difficulty."

Scientists, a working people who work hard without complaining, listened to the commander's scientific research work arrangements.

They silently accepted the order.

And the nanorobot scientific research tasks are divided into several small tasks and assigned to each scientific research office.

It is difficult for a single person to do a task.

But if you divide a large task into several small tasks, it will become much simpler.

After Lu Xingye assigned the mission to Kaiyang.

Returned to his room again.

Then he went to the biochemical laboratory and took a look at Zhao Yinyun.

I saw that the other party was doing biochemical experiments.

"What are you doing?" Lu Xingye asked softly.

Zhao Yinyun put down the work at hand, clapped her hands, and took off her coat.

Change into a more casual home outfit.

He laughed dryly and spoke.

"It's not because of the gray fog area."

"I used big data to compare the gray fog areas. I found that there is an 80% chance that there are only microorganisms inside."

"What do you mean?" Lu Xingye asked confused.

"To put it simply."

"There is a new civilization in the gray fog area. In addition to opportunistic organisms, there are also microorganisms, viruses, etc."

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