Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 263

"The microorganisms and viruses inside may be harmless to the intelligent life inside, but they may not be harmful to us humans."

"Microorganisms are the scariest thing."

"So we humans must protect ourselves from microorganisms."

"I was studying protective measures against microorganisms just now."

"I wonder if there is such a drug."

"It can resist the invasion of most microorganisms, but it must be harmless to us humans."

"Or antibiotics."

Bang bang...

Lu Xingye couldn't help but applaud the other party.

As the saying goes, one person is short-term and many people are short-term.

Lu Xingye was too eager to explore the gray fog area and neglected to protect microorganisms.

Lu Xingye knew it in his heart.

Microorganisms are more terrifying than the gray fog civilization.

The intelligent creatures of alien civilization can be seen and touched, and can be attacked by thermal weapons.

But what about microorganisms?

Microorganisms cannot be seen or touched.

Even if you want protection, you don’t know how to get it.

in history.

Countless dynasties were destroyed by viruses and cholera.

Even now that technology is advanced.

But once invaded by microorganisms, it will take time for people to develop microbial antibiotics.

One year and three years...

I can’t even say two or three years.

during this period of time.

Alien civilizations use these microorganisms to cause fatal harm to people.

Lu Xingye felt that what Zhao Yinyun said was very reasonable.

"In addition to exploring gray fog civilization, we also need to protect microorganisms."


"you are awesome!"

"I don't think about things comprehensively anymore. I also look at things a lot more maturely."

"Now you can help me with a lot of things."

Lu Xingye also praised the other party generously.

Faced with the other party's exaggeration, Zhao Yinyun's face turned red.

The reason why he is so serious is because he really regards the hive as his home.

She didn't want any damage to her home.

The other party blushed and said nothing. Lu Xingye did not discuss this issue in depth.

Instead, he talked about the purpose of this trip.


"Today is the second day."

"It's the elixir we should take."

As he said that, Lu Xingye felt a little hopeful.

The process of taking the elixir is really very comfortable.

Although there will be some pain during the process.

But most of the time I was happy.

After taking the elixir of life, the visible increase in physical fitness is a very wonderful feeling.

He felt like he was already in love. This feeling was like taking drugs.


"Thank you for remembering to take your medicine."

"If you don't come to take the elixir, I'll even think about looking for you."

"After all, I am a qualified doctor, but you are not a qualified patient."

205. Nanorobot research was successful, Lu Xingye couldn’t believe it

I wipe it!

Why am I not a qualified patient?

Lu Xingye frowned, feeling unconvinced for a while.

Immediately afterwards.

It seemed that he had thought of something, and a sly smile appeared on his lips.

"You don't need to take medicine yet."

"No matter what you want as a doctor, you are still a patient."

"Take my medicine obediently."

"Dear Doctor Zhao, you still need my patient's care."

Lu Xingye looked into the other person's eyes and smiled.


Zhao Yinyun felt depressed for a while. I want to refute but can't find a reason to refute.


"You are the only one who is poor..."

"Yes, yes...I need your care."

"I need you to take care of me for the rest of my life. Are you willing to take care of me for the rest of my life?"

Zhao Yinyun then half-jokingly revealed her feelings to Lu Xingye.


Lu Xingye sneered.

If it was before, he would definitely not dare to accept this intention, but now his mentality has changed slightly.

One lives for one life.

Live a vigorous life without asking for the future.

I just want no regrets now.

He has already regarded the other person as his other half, so he responded happily and half-jokingly.

"Of course I do."

"Ms. Zhao."

"I am willing to take care of you for the rest of my life."

"As long as you don't dislike it, the hive will always be your home."

Listening to Lu Xingye's affectionate words, Zhao Yinyun's heart was touched.

It's like a cold stone.

Because of the moisture of love, it slowly melted.

He also changed and became affectionate.

Zhao Yinyun walked up to Lu Xingye, spread her arms, and gave him a hug.

Both sides hugged each other.

For a time, hormones are secreted continuously.

The hormones in the two people's bodies are constantly increasing.

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