Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 264

The body temperature keeps rising.

Just as he was about to enter the next step, the voice of the mastermind in the hive suddenly sounded.



"After Jarvis's big data analysis, love between men and women is not suitable to be done in a biochemical laboratory."

"Our biochemical laboratory here has a high level of protection, but you will have certain loopholes."

"The most obvious thing is that there are more microorganisms in the biochemical laboratory than outside."

"If you act casually here, you are very likely to be infected by unknown microorganisms."

"So I don't recommend you to do anything casual here."



After hearing the mastermind's voice, Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun felt 10,000 thoughts go through their hearts.

This sound is so annoying.

Zhao Yinyun's face turned red instantly.

I couldn't help but take off a pair of high heels.

He took the high heel in his right hand and threw it towards the camera on the wall.

"Who the hell is going to do this?"

"It's you."

"Which eye saw it?"

"shut up."

"You are not allowed to speak anymore without orders from now on,"

Zhao Yinyun spoke angrily.

Lu Xingye also looked dumbfounded at the other party.

It was the first time he saw Zhao Yinyun's tough look.

It’s really a bit of a tiger!


Lu Xingye looked at the other party quietly and said something.

Only then did Zhao Yinyun realize her gaffe. In addition to being shy, there was also a slight embarrassment on her face.

This is so fucking embarrassing!

Zhao Yinyun wished she could find a hole in the ground, crawl into it, and never come out again.


I don’t have the face to see anyone anymore.

Seeing that the other party was embarrassed to speak, Lu Xingye quickly smiled and said:

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

"This is human nature."

"Actually, I wanted to take off my shoes and throw them over just now."

"The Hive mastermind is so annoying."

Zhao Yinyun smiled again and said nothing.

Then the two of them were silent for a while, and they no longer dwelled on what happened before.

Lu Xingye chose to lie on the hospital bed.

Zhao Yinyun injected him with the elixir of life.

After Lu Xingye finished the injection.

Change it again.

Zhao Yinyun was lying on the hospital bed.

Lu Xingye injected him with the elixir of life.

In the process of injecting the elixir the next day.

Neither of them felt any discomfort.

The effect is almost the same as the first time.

It's just that the pain has weakened a little and my physical fitness has strengthened a little more.

Their lifespan has increased even more.

After completing the injection process, they will become truly immortal.

After taking the elixir of life.

Lu Xingye went directly back to his room to rest. He did not go to the laboratory again at night, nor did he do any more experiments.

Instead, I watched a movie in the room all night.

Then went to sleep.

After all, people are not iron.

Those who need to rest must rest.

Combining work and rest!

The body is the capital of revolution!

Only by taking good care of your body can you do better scientific research tomorrow.

Lu Xingye understood this truth deeply.

the next morning.

Lu Xingye slept until 12:00 noon, then quietly got up from the bed.

After getting up, I saw a breakfast left on the table.

This is what the little bodyguard Long Yubing prepared for himself.

After Lu Xingye saw it, his heart warmed.

This is what family feels like.

After Lu Xingye finished washing, he walked to the dining table, holding a fried dough stick in his left hand. He picked up the chopsticks in his right hand, picked up the rice rolls, and put it into his mouth.

It tastes much better than before.

You can tell.

Long Yubing made this breakfast very carefully.

About half an hour later.

Lu Xingye was about to go to the laboratory when his cell phone suddenly rang.

The beautiful singing voice of the cell phone ringtone broke into my ears.

Lu Xingye picked up his phone and looked at it, and found that it was the person in charge of the hive calling.

He quickly stretched out his right hand and pressed the answer button hard.



Just as Lu Xingye was about to speak, the voice of Zhao Cheng, the head of the Hive Scientific Research Department, came from the opposite side.


"Our research institute has made a huge breakthrough, combining the new materials you provided with the 3D printing technology we developed."

"Combining the two, it is not difficult to produce nanorobots."

"We only need two days."

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