Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 265

"Nanobots can be produced in two days."

The other person's voice was very excited.

Lu Xingye could feel the other person's excitement even through the screen. Maybe the other person is jumping with joy at this moment, and even his voice is trembling when he speaks.

"Really?" Lu Xingye was also a little unbelievable.

"of course it's true,"

"Our laboratory can arrange to print out nanorobot prototypes now."

"Commander please review."

Lu Xingye was also very excited when he heard this.

He quickly put down the work at hand and rushed to Zhao Cheng's laboratory.

The research and development of nanorobots is of great significance to him, so no matter how much attention he attaches to it, it cannot be overemphasized.


It was beyond his imagination that the scientists in the hive could develop nanorobots so quickly.

Originally, he thought it would take 10 days and a half at the earliest.

I didn't expect it to be completed in just one day.

That's when scientists really grew up.

Lu Xingye sighed in his heart.

206. Use light energy? Transform nanorobots into perpetual motion machines?

Come to Zhao Cheng's laboratory.

Zhao Cheng's laboratory is on the 58th floor of the Honeycomb, an automated laboratory.

Automated laboratories are different from biochemical laboratories.

The automation laboratory is all about mechanical automation. As far as the eye can see, there are all kinds of robotic arms and various CNC machine tools.

PLC control cabinet.

Although it doesn't look as advanced as the biochemical laboratory, it still feels like a torrent of steel.

Giving people an unparalleled shock.

A group of scientists gather around a 3D printer.

The 3D printer is only about the size of half a person, with several liquid tubes of different colors at the back.

The printing material flows into the 3D printing robotic arm through these pipes.

The core of the printer is six 360-degree printer robotic arms.


These robotic arms are tiny.

Much smaller than the nanometer level.

These robotic arms are therefore able to print nanorobots.

Zhao Cheng has sharp eyes.

As soon as Lu Xingye walked to the door of the laboratory, he discovered it.

He laughed quickly.

He walked up to Lu Xingye enthusiastically with a smile on his face.

"Commander, are you here?"

"Come quickly, let's witness this magical scene together."

"We have debugged the program. Just press the start button and we can start printing nanorobots."

Lu Xingye nodded slightly.

Even if you go directly to the center of the crowd, stand in front of the 3D printer, and stare at the printer in front of you.

"Let the experiment begin!"

He has been looking forward to nanorobots for a long time.

Once the nanorobots are successfully developed, they can explore the gray fog area.


Zhao Cheng returned to the main control experiment position, debugged the machine, turned around and said to his men:

"Engineers, please go to your posts."

"Check the part you debugged. After three minutes, start printing directly."

"The nanorobot must be printed successfully the first time."

All the engineers nodded slightly.


Start debugging the 3D printer, and the printing of nanorobots begins.

Nanorobots are at the nanoscale.

Although invisible to the naked eye, Lu Xingye passed by the display screen next to him.

The display screen is connected to a nanoscale microscope.


Through a microscope, you can see what's going on inside the 3D printer.

These are very sophisticated instruments.

Abroad, we have always been ahead in terms of precision instruments.

Hive technology now.

In terms of cutting-edge technology, it has already surpassed foreign countries.

Now Hive's technology is first-rate... from the Science and Technology Center,

The precise mechanical arm inside is constantly running.


Constantly running.


After about half an hour, the nanorobot printing was completed.

A neat row of nanorobots was printed.

Nanorobots look similar to macrorobots, with basically the same appearance.


There are many differences inside.

It is driven by tiny nano-button batteries and is not driven by the Ark reactor.

After all, microscopic things...

There are still many differences from macroscopic things.

In addition, there is no way to equip nanobots with weapons.

Lu Xingye has not yet invented any nano-level weapons.

In other words.

Even if there are nano-level weapons, they are not very powerful and cannot cause harm to macroscopic objects such as humans.

The nanorobot is controlled by the main control system of the honeycomb, and uses the Eye of Heaven as a signal aid.

"How long do they last?" Lu Xingye asked silently.

"Report to Commander."

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