Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 266

"The battery life is about a week."

"If it takes more than a week, the nanorobot must return to our factory to replace the battery."

Zhao Cheng tested the reply.

A week?

Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment.

In the ordinary commercial field, one week may be enough for the actual combat time of nanorobots, but Lu Xingye knows his own affairs.

The nanorobots he developed are not just for commercial use.

Except for commercial use.

He will also use it to explore aliens.


It is used to explore gray fog civilization.

Gray fog civilization exists deep in the Pacific Ocean, far away from the land.

It was difficult for Lu Xingye to return the nanorobot to the factory to replace the battery.


The endurance of nanorobots must be improved.

"Is there any way to improve the endurance of the nanorobot?" Lu Xingye asked softly.


"Our nano-button battery has become the best in the world."

"As long as there are no major breakthroughs in energy, even if the battery life is improved, the battery life will be very limited."

Zhao Cheng was silent for a moment.

I feel a little embarrassed.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye turned his head again and looked at other engineers and scientists.

When other engineers and scientists met Lu Xingye's gaze, they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at the commander.


"I just praised these scientists for growing up."

"Such a small problem can't be solved."

Lu Xingye couldn't help but be speechless.

It seems that key technological breakthroughs still have to be made by oneself.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xingye began on-site research. First, he used the huge computing power of the supercomputer in the hive to calculate the possibility of new energy.

And build a model on how to improve the endurance of nanorobots.

During this process.

He surprisingly discovered a problem.

That is……

Because nanorobots are nanoscale robots, they are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

So it consumes very little energy.

How little?

It's so little that just a slight friction generates electricity, which is enough for nanorobots to use.

In that case!

So why can't I use light energy?

As long as a solar panel is applied to the surface of the nanorobot, the nanorobot can continuously absorb solar energy.

In other words, light energy is more appropriate.

Because nanorobots are so small,

There is no need to absorb solar energy at all.

It is enough to absorb only a small amount of light energy.

In other words, as long as there is light, nanorobots can operate normally.

Lu Xingye thought about it and felt that the possibility of this plan was very high.


He told the scientists present this idea.

"Oh my God!"

"Commander, you are truly a genius."

"Yes, nanorobots can use light energy as energy, how could we not think of it!"

"If nanorobots can use light energy, as long as there is light in the world, nanorobots will run together."

"This is no different from a real perpetual motion machine."

Lu Xingye waved his hand, ignoring everyone's compliments, and just told them to start researching as soon as possible.

Improve nanobots as quickly as possible.

207. Tell the world, nanorobot conference

over time.

It takes about a week.

The scientists inside the hive announced that the nanorobot activated by light energy has been successfully developed.

Let the commander review again.

But this time Lu Xingye did not go.

The reason?

On the one hand, he really doesn't have time.

On the other hand, he felt it was unnecessary.

Even if he was there in person, nothing would change.

He couldn't see the nanorobots with his naked eyes, but he could use a microscope to see the enlarged version of the nanorobots.

And he's not specialized in nanobots.

He may not be as professional as Zhao Cheng in this area.

To this.

Lu Xingye directly told Zhao Dawei, the business leader outside, about the successful development of nanorobots.

Let the other party plan and release commercial nanobots.

after all.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

If after a period of commercial use, no problems with the nanorobot are found, then the nanorobot does not have any bugs.

He can safely use it to explore the gray fog area.

on the contrary.

If he encounters any problems along the way, he's also on hand to fix the bugs.

Make nanorobots more perfect.

Done, after all this.

Lu Xingye went directly to the time machine laboratory on the 108th floor of the Honeycomb.

He, Tony, and Jarvis are debugging and researching the time machine.

after all.

Now that nanorobots have been successfully developed, they are not far away from restarting the space-time plan.

As long as the commercial use of nanorobots is tested, there will be no problems.

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