Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 267


He took out the genocide of the gray fog civilization from the movie.

Time and space can be officially restarted.

at the same time.

the other side.

Zhao Dawei was very happy when he received the news about the new product released by Honeycomb.

Honeycomb hasn’t released a new product for a long time.

In this way, he, a peripheral CEO, has a little free time.

do you know?

No matter what, you see that your company is making money for you every day.


That makes money faster than a money printing machine!

Do you still have any dreams?

Although the money is not his own now, Zhao Dawei is still very happy.

Even a little drunk.

Just imagine.

Suihuo Technology has made so much money, so as the president, will Zhao Dawei make less money?

Rich family fortune.

Wives and concubines in groups.

It is no longer appropriate to use these two words to describe Zhao Dawei.

His awesome life.

The era of pursuing money and beautiful women has long passed, and now Zhao Dawei pursues fame.

That is fame and fortune.

He was going to release something that would shock the world.

Let yourself be remembered in history.

Zhao Dawei hopes that one day his face will appear in the textbooks of the nine-year compulsory education.

As for his roommate Lu Xingye.

Zhao Dawei was a little confused.

Is it for money?

The entire Suihuo technology belongs to Lu Xingye.

She has more money than herself and is not short of money at all.

Is it because of the beauty?

His roommate Lu Xingye is surrounded by several beauties who are 100% good-looking, and they all secretly love him.

But Lu Xingye was unmoved.

Just like a piece of wood, he has not accepted any girl's wishes.

Is it for fame?

Lu Xingye seemed to have retired since the hive was successfully established.

Leave yourself in the spotlight.

Lu Xingye wanted to disappear from the public.

Zhao Dawei didn't even understand what his roommate was pursuing, but he knew that he must have had a very lofty ideal when he was young.

It's just that this ideal is too lofty.

I can't understand it myself.

The camera turned.

After Zhao Dawei received the order from Hive, he immediately began to hold a company mobilization meeting.

Start preparing for a press conference on nanorobots.

After more than half a year.

Suihuo Technology finally reissued the press conference.

Zhao Dawei sighed for a while and felt a little nostalgic.


Every time he comes to a press conference, he feels uneasy.


Suihuo Technology has become a giant in the world, crushing Fruit Company and Tesla under its feet.

Although Suihuo Technology has not been listed on the market.

But his influence exceeds that of countless listed companies.

The nanorobot product launch conference is scheduled for three days.

Zhao Dawei hurriedly issued the order and established the Nanorobot Division.

The product department is responsible for the pricing of nanorobots.

The purchasing department is responsible for purchasing the raw materials of nanorobots and transporting them to the hive, so that the hive can print out the nanorobots with a 3D printer.

The news interview department cooperated with the interview.

The Legal Department provides emergency legal support.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

The nanorobot product launch conference arrived as scheduled, and Zhao Dawei was the protagonist of the event today.

Suihuo Technology is one of the world's largest companies.

Every product launch event attracts global attention and attracts attention from all over the world.

Now Suihuo Technology is no longer what it used to be.

It is no longer that small company that no one cares about. Today’s press conference has reporters from powerful news media all over the world.

The reporters from the global daily newspapers in the world also lowered their arrogant heads and came to the Hive one after another.

Get ready to see the latest products released by Suihuo Technology.

Today’s nanorobot product launch conference.

Held on the top floor of the Hive East Building.

As of today, the Honeycomb East Building is full of people, all of whom are reporters who came to visit the nanorobot product launch conference.

Zhao Dawei's talent arrived belatedly.

Behind him were a group of female secretaries, all of whom were Zhao Dawei's former think tanks.

The smart group this guy recruits are all women.

Maybe this guy is biased towards women.

In the words of this guy, it is eye-catching.

Zhao Dawei took the laser pointer and walked slowly on the stage. He took the microphone in his right hand and walked with a bit of energy.

Go to the center of the stage.

"Hello everyone."

"Today, Suihuo Technology finally held another press conference."

"The press conference where I reported yesterday is still vivid in my mind."

"Today's Suihuo technology is already different from before."

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