Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 271

210. New strategic weapons have no defense means yet.

"What does it mean to be illegal?"

“It’s legal if it can cure diseases and help people.”

"Your hospital and pharmaceutical companies make it expensive and difficult to see a doctor, and your medicines are extremely expensive."

"We've put up with you for a long time."

"It's okay if you didn't have a choice before. Now Suihuo Technology has released gene therapy, and you still say it's illegal."

"What the hell!"

"Has your conscience been eaten by a dog?"

"Brothers, we will never buy medicines from pharmaceutical companies again. We will never go to the hospital for medical treatment."

"If you want to go, go to Suihuo Technology. Gene therapy there only takes half an hour. It's so delicious."

"A dog is worse than a hospital."

This rhetoric became more and more violent.

The turmoil stopped until the leader came to mediate.

Although the storm has stopped.

But these pharmaceutical companies seem to have been abolished.

Drug sales dropped by 90% in an instant, and are still decreasing.

Continue to this extent.

Within half a month, these pharmaceutical companies will definitely go bankrupt.

As for hospitals, that's better, because Suihuo Technology's gene therapy has not yet been fully promoted.

Nowadays, people still need to rely on these hospitals for medical treatment.

However, these hospitals and pharmaceutical companies disagreed with this result.

Emotions have developed over hundreds of years.

Just be defeated by your technology company, right?

They were all unconvinced and used their connections to cause trouble.


It wasn't until later that they discovered that they couldn't get things done.

Suihuo Technology is a key enterprise in Jiuzhou.

It is also an arms company and has very close ties with the military.

They cause trouble.

This is undoubtedly no different from seeking death.

that's all.

The storm was temporarily suppressed.

But pharmaceutical companies will not suppress this anger no matter what.

Facing the menacing Suihuo technology.

They have only two options to choose from. The first is to reorganize and reorganize their business as quickly as possible.

What about the second way?

The second path is more difficult to take, and most people will not choose this path.

That is: declare bankruptcy.


at the same time.

the other side.

The product launch of nanorobots in the honeycomb has also reached a fever pitch.

Now Zhao Dawei has been introduced to the military industry.


"In the introduction to the medical stage, we will introduce it here first."

"Let me introduce to you the role of nanorobots in the military field."

"As for nanorobots in the military field!"

"That's easier."

"It can be described in three words: invincible."

"You can just imagine:"

"What would happen if this kind of robot, invisible to the naked eye, appeared on the enemy's battlefield?"

"Because they are too small, neither radar nor any observation equipment can observe the existence of nanorobots."


"It's this undetectable nanobot."

"It can easily invade the enemy's body and kill the enemy's important nerve cells."

"Even break the enemy's brain."


"Is this kind of weapon terrible?"

"Everyone knows it."

“The unknown is scary.”

"Nanobots are such a scary thing."

Speaking of which.

Zhao Dawei paused for a moment, and then the slow voice came again.

"We can also control the robot to sneak into the enemy's control room."

"Using nanobots to cut circuits."


"Missiles that directly detonate enemy ammunition depots."

"You can even modify the circuit of the nuclear missile so that the nuclear missile can be actively launched, and the launch area is the enemy area."

"These are probably the areas where nanorobots can be applied."

"I've already finished the introduction."

"Now everyone has a new understanding of the new product nanorobots!"

Zhao Dawei sipped his saliva and moistened his dry throat. He looked at the reporters and showed a faint smile.




Hear the words.

The reporters couldn't recover for a long time.

Damn it!

Are weapons like nanobots too damn awesome?

This is simply the polar bear coming to the big buffalo in the south and wailing to greet the big female Mengniu.

It's so awesome that it can fly into the sky.

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