Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 272

Although the concept of nanorobots exists in the world now, no one has ever produced a real product.

No one could have predicted the role of such robots.


They saw nanorobots for the first time and were really shocked by the advantages of nanorobots.

Although in practical applications.

Nanorobots may not be as awesome as Zhao Dawei said, but they are amazing enough.

in a short period of time.

If no one develops a defense for your robot.

This is simply killing God if God blocks it, and killing Buddha if Buddha blocks it.

"Mr. Zhao. Since nanorobots are so powerful, will your company apply them in war?"

"I would like to ask your company, since you have such a huge weapon, will you have any special ideas? For example: fighting terrorism and maintaining world peace."

"Mr. Zhao, would you like to ask if this terrifying weapon will be sold to other organizations as a strategic weapon?"

Facing sharp questions from reporters, Zhao Dawei remained calm.

Not even the slightest bit of fear.

So many years.

What kind of storms and waves has he not seen before?

The sharp remarks of this little reporter will not cause any trouble to Zhao Dawei.

I saw Zhao Dawei holding the microphone in both hands and looking around the audience like eagle eyes.

After everyone calms down.

Then he spoke slowly:

"Fuhuo Technology has always been an organization committed to world peace and development."

"I guarantee that I will not do anything that endangers the safety of the people."

"As for other matters, they are our company's trade secrets and we cannot comment on them."

After Zhao Dawei said these words, he left the product launch site under the cover of on-site security personnel.

Now his product launch with the help of nanorobots has attracted enough limelight.

He wanted to get off the field and take cover.

Although Zhao Dawei really likes fame and fortune, he never expected that the product Lu Xingye gave him for release this time would be a semi-military product.

Although Suihuo Technology is a military industry.

But Zhao Dawei has always been exposed to peripheral work.

As for the core arms work, Lu Xingye has always been in charge.

Zhao Dawei felt a little panicked.

In the arms industry, there are too many tricks.

Moreover... he will be killed by the arms boss outside at every turn.

Zhao Dawei feels that he has not lived enough.

Next time there was something risky like this, he thought it would be better to hand it back to his roommate.

He can just be responsible for the business side of things.

It is better for Lu Xingye to speak for the secret arms.

211. Long Xingtian: You old man, you got new equipment and you didn’t tell me

at the same time.

This news swept the world like a hurricane.

Nanorobots are simply too powerful.

People still don't have the ability to deal with this new type of weapon.

Major organizations have announced how much military spending they will invest in developing new nanorobots.

Other organizations have also announced that they are starting to develop nanorobot defense weapons.

It can be said that it is.

Once nanorobots are successfully developed, they trigger movements from all over the world.

at the same time.

Lu Xingye, who was debugging the time machine in the time machine laboratory, was interrupted by a phone ringing.

The ringtone on the mobile phone is still the old "Lonely Warrior".

Lu Xingye was already a little tired of hearing this.

But still did not change the ringtone.

Because he has listened to it for so long, he has developed feelings for this cell phone ringtone.

Lu Xingye put down the work at hand.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was Long Yingtian calling.

Lu Xingye was a little dissatisfied, but he still answered the call. Who knew Long Yingtian was his close partner?

Can I get more military orders?

Just look at this big guy.


"Mr. Long."

"Is there a problem?"


What Lu Xingye didn't expect was that Long Yingtian actually opened his mouth and cursed:

"Classmate Lu."

"You old man."

"I thought you had a new weapon and didn't tell me."


"..." After hearing this, Lu Xingye's forehead was covered with black lines.

What is Lao Liu?

I just didn’t tell you that I bought new equipment!


This is not the case.


"The dragon is old."

"Are you talking about the nanobots?"

"That thing was originally intended for commercial use. I never thought about military use!"

"That military thing is just incidental."

"So...I am not ready to tell you."



I think your nanorobot is very suitable for military use.

Long Yingtian laughed dryly and spoke in a consultative tone:

"Classmate Lu."

"I'll tell you the truth."

"I'm attracted to your nano-robot. Can you give some to our military region for use?"

"The emergence of this new type of strategic weapon will change the way we fight on a large scale."

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