Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 273

"It will even affect our military reform."


"Okay, okay..."

"Mr. Long, you have already spoken. Do you dare not give me a gift? I will have to follow your care more in the future!"

Lu Xingye said jokingly.

If Long Yingtian asked him for other equipment, he might have to think about it.

Because it requires too much money.

But nanorobots are not within this scope.

The main cost of nanorobots is research and development costs.

In addition to R\u0026D costs, the cost of other materials is basically zero.

After all, at the nanometer level...

With such a small amount of materials, if you round up, it is basically free of charge.

That’s not right!

The main cost is also a nanoscale 3D printer.

Other than that, there is no cost.

Lu Xingye could just provide the nanorobots to the military for free. After all, it was not a valuable thing.

As for R\u0026D costs.

He stopped scheming with Long Yingtian.

Long Yingtian didn't expect that Lu Xingye, an iron cock, would one day open his mouth.

For a while.

It's a bit unbelievable.

"Are you sure you gave it to me for free?"

"Instead of tens of thousands... how many billions, how many billions, sell it to me?"



"Aren't I thinking about your military expenses, Mr. Long?"

"If it's the second person, we can't do it for free, but as for you, Mr. Long, we are all old friends."

“It’s free if it can be free.”

Lu Xingye laughed dryly into the phone and heard Long Yingtian's voice.

He sketched the image of Long Yingtian in his mind.

Seeing that there was no sound coming from the other side of the phone, Lu Xingye laughed dryly and continued to add:


"Mr. Long...if you have too much military spending to spend, you can give us a symbolic amount of thirty to twenty thousand nanorobots."

"I will thank you on behalf of the whole country."

"after all."

"The money you spend contributes to the GDP of the imperial capital."




"Classmate Lu, our military expenditure is really low."

"Thank you for your contribution to our military region. I will thank you on behalf of the soldiers."

"For every two more pieces of equipment you provide now, soldiers will shed less blood during wars in the future."

Long Yingtian was afraid that Lu Xingye would regret it, so he quickly brought out all the national justice and the like.

Naturally, Lu Xingye never thought of deceiving Long Yingtian.

Nanorobots are very low-cost to manufacture.

Instead of harvesting Long Yingtian’s leeks.

It is better to use this thing to bring the relationship between the two parties closer.

"Do not worry."

"I said I would give it to you, so I will give it to you." Lu Xingye nodded affirmatively.

Hear the words.

Long Yingtian couldn't help but give Lu Xingye a thumbs up.

After just a moment, he pulled back in embarrassment.

Because he just remembered that he was making a voice call, and his movements could not be seen by Student Lu.

"Then I would like to thank you on behalf of countless soldiers."

Lu Xingye: "You're welcome."


Long Yingtian paused for a moment, and then another slightly worried voice came:

"Classmate Lu."

"When you say you provide nanorobots for free, you mean providing three or two for free, right? And then charge a high price for the rest?"


Am I such a person?

You are judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Lu Xingye slandered in his heart.


He couldn't say this openly, after all, this thing was a bit sensitive.

Mr. Long is from the military.

If you accidentally owe someone something, you will be resented by the other party.

That's not fun.

"Mr. Long."

"It's wrong of you to think of me like that."

"When did I become such a person?"

"I said it's free, so I'll give it free. I won't charge a penny."


"The nanorobots I plan to give you will definitely be enough."

"I support the soldiers, I am absolutely not vague about it."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

People who didn't know, after hearing his voice, thought he was an outstanding young man with a strong sense of justice.


Long Yingtian knew about Classmate Lu’s situation.

This is clearly a profiteer.

What kind of boy is he with a sense of justice?

It would be fine if you had to give money, but now Student Lu suddenly gives it away for free without paying.

This made Long Yingtian feel a little hot to hold it.

Could it be that Mr. Lu has other intentions?

"That's good."

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