Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 274

"First give me a few hundred million nanorobots."

Long Yingtian was not polite at all.

After thinking for a while, he figured it out.

In line with the principle of not taking advantage but not taking advantage, he decisively told Lu Lu to kill the lion.

212. Suihuo Technology is the best arms dealer, but Lu Xingye had a bad idea



Lu Xingye spoke proudly.

In fact, nanorobots are not expensive to build. Hundreds of millions of nanorobots can be built for a few thousand yuan.


"Classmate Lu."

"Your ideological awareness is high."

Long Yingtian was about to praise Lu Xingye, but he didn't expect that Lu Xingye's next words made Long Yingtian freeze on the spot.

"Although nanorobots are free, the supporting control system is not free. This thing is too expensive."

Speaking of which.

Lu Xingye paused for a moment, then changed the subject, and the voice continued to come again.


“You can also choose not to need a control system, which does not affect use.

If you don't use the control system.

We will provide you with a server that can be connected to the hive mastermind and can also control the nanorobots.

To put it simply:

It is equivalent to this server being a bridge.

This bridge connects the nanobots on your side and transmits signals to the hive mastermind, which then issues instructions to control the nanobots. "

When Long Yingtian heard this, his face turned dark.


He is indeed a profiteer~

It turns out that I dug up the resistance and jumped for me.

Nanorobots are free, but control systems are charged, right?

You really made a good calculation.

"Classmate Lu."

"It seems I misjudged you."

"You are really a qualified capitalist."

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came again.

"Mr. Long."

"Actually, it's not my fault. The control system is too expensive."

"I have to recover some costs!"




"Just tell me how much money it will cost?" At this moment.

Long Yingtian didn't want to talk to Lu Xingye.

"Why don't you use the control system?" Lu Xingye asked tentatively.


Don't want to control the system?

Do you think that's possible?

We represent the military department.

Any military operation needs to be kept secret.

What would it be like if you didn't need a control system to upload data to your hive?


No need to ask.

Control systems are all necessary.

Long Yingtian must buy it.

And you may need to buy two sets, one for main use and one for backup.


"How much is it?"

"Bring me two sets."

Seeing Long Yingtian's angry look, Lu Xingye felt for the first time that he had done something wrong and actually made Mr. Long angry.

In fact, it's really not Lu Xingye's fault.

Giving away the nanobots for free is already considered generous.

Now if we send the control system again...

Then Suihuo Technology will lose a lot of money.

Although he is very rich, for him who is penniless, this kind of thing is not allowed to be a loss-making business.


Didn’t I give Long Yingtian a chance to choose?

If it's too expensive, he doesn't need the control system!

In fact, this can't be blamed on Lu Xingye.

Because the control system is not very expensive, only more than two million yuan per set.

Lu Xingye just didn't want to lose money.

"Not expensive, not expensive."

"A set of two million." Lu Xingye said calmly.

After hearing what Lu Xingye said, Long Yingtian was a little unbelievable.

Two million for a control system?

So cheap?

After he confirmed with Lu Xingye twice more, he finally realized a problem. Student Lu really didn't lie to him.

A control system costs two million, which is already considered a bargain.

Some of their military control systems start at a minimum of 100 million.

Lu Xingye only sold it for two million, which was really a bargain price.


Four million is really nothing to Long Yingtian.

This is just a fraction of their military spending.

You can get such a terrifying weapon by paying a small amount of money.

It's all worth it.

Although Long Yingtian knew that he had misunderstood Classmate Lu, with his arrogant character, he would not bow his head and admit his mistake.


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