Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 278

"During this period."

"Tony and I will serve as weapons guidance counselors and guide you in the use of brand-new weapons throughout the process."

"Your mission is to train the super soldiers and win the trial."

"My mission is to teach you how to use advanced weapons and cultivate your feelings to become the most terrifying mass murderer in the world."

When Long Yubing heard this, a surge of blood surged in his heart, and he suddenly turned his head to face Lu Xingye.

He gave a serious salute.


"Long Yubing, received."

"I promise I will complete the mission."


Lu Xingye nodded slightly.

Seeing the other party's appearance, I was very satisfied.


Turning around, he took a look at the thousand-body training warehouse. These clones have been cultivated for so long, and now it's time to use them.

He walked up to the hive mastermind and entered a series of keys, plus biometrics.

After everything is verified.

The entire breeding room resounded with the mastermind's loud electronic synthesized sound.

"The highest authority verification passed."

"Congratulations, Commander."

"Please advise."

Lu Xingye had no expression on his face and said coldly:

"Inject awakening drugs into all super soldier clone cultivation chambers."

"Wake up all clones."

Ding! …

[The commander's order has been received. 】

[Is executing the commander's order, please wait...]

As the mastermind's voice fell, the robotic arms around the training chamber began to move slowly, as if they had received some instructions.

After this period of development.

The Hive's robotic arm has been highly developed, almost the same as a human arm, and even more flexible than a human arm.


Most of the things inside the hive are fully automated.

save trouble……

Save effort...

It further highlights the sense of technology.

The bionic robotic arm holds a syringe, which contains the clone's awakening agent.

Just inject the awakening agent into the clone.

The clone will wake up within five to ten minutes.

The robotic arm slowly pushed the needle into the clone, then drew the culture fluid from the culture chamber and injected oxygen into it.

"The system is now executing the wake-up procedure."

"Wait five to ten minutes and you'll see your Night's Watch men."

Long Yubing turned his head, looked at Long Yubing and laughed dryly.

" it?"

Long Yubing looked at the thousand super soldiers in front of him, feeling a little uneasy.

You know, these are a thousand super soldiers?


They all take the super soldier serum and have amazing fighting power.

If these super soldiers break out, no one can stop them.

"Yes." Lu Xingye nodded.

At this time. "team leader."

The super soldiers in the training room began to change.

The door to the training chamber opens, releasing all the super soldiers inside.

That look.

Like a newborn baby.


Just after leaving the mother's body, the amniotic fluid was scattered all over the floor.

Although each of them is as strong as a beast, their skin is astonishingly fair.

At this time.

Then the super soldier suddenly moved.

They all stood up from the ground, each one looking tall and mighty.

Orderly rows.

Orders and prohibitions.

He really looks a bit like a soldier.

The reason why.

The reason these super soldiers are so obedient is because when Lu Xingye trained them, he implanted eternal memories in their minds.


The actions of these super soldiers will conform to the action trajectories.

Eternal loyalty to the hive.


All the super soldiers turned their heads, faced Lu Xingye, and stepped forward in unison.

Immediately afterwards.

The super soldiers turned their heads again, faced Long Yubing, and made a loud sound.

"team leader."

"The night watch has been assembled, please give instructions."

Seeing this scene, Long Yubing was very shocked. For a moment, he didn't react and stood there numbly.

Until those night watchmen.

He repeated what he said just now:

"team leader."

"The night watch has been assembled, please give instructions."

Only then did Long Yubing react and responded loudly with a cold face:

"All of them."

"Report the count."


1, 2, 3, 4...1000.

215. The filming of the movie was successful, and we are preparing to come up with medicines for the gray fog civilization.

"Report to the captain."

"All one thousand night watchmen have been assembled, please give instructions."

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